Don’t be complacent in life, keep reaching! Challenge yourself!
I keep telling myself this. Saying this and doing it are absolutely two different things. It seems as though we stay so busy with our daily tasks, we don’t take time to learn new things.
For the new year, my resolution was to challenge myself. I have not forgotten this resolution, I was just a bit slower than I hoped to be at pulling the trigger. But now, I’m excited to say, that I’ve taken time and learned something new.
I’ve been told numerous times that video is viewed more than photos, so I’ve created a video, inserted music, and my voice… Did I mention that I very much dislike the sound of my voice? I’m told that no one likes the sound of their recorded voice, but this bit of information came from my mother and I think she might just be trying to make me feel better.
Anyway, I’ve done it, and it feels amazing to have accomplished this. Now, I will continue to sharpen and work on this new project that I’ve recently learned. Hopefully by the end of the year, I will be a pro!
Hope you enjoy my video and that my mom wasn't lying to me.