
Springing Forward Into Hygge....

Industry Observer with You Can Live Rich On Less

Yup I really don't love the time change! Here at home we've just switched over to daylight savings time and lost one whole hour of sleep! Crazy right? And listening to the news last night so do 70 million other folks around our tiny planet.  


So as I sit here having my second cup of coffee it is now 9:32 a.m. but my body says 8:32 a.m. From what I understand daylight savings time was started in the really early 20th century to save energy and then again during the war, to help with saving energy, and to increase milk production. Trying to trick those poor cows!


Now the experts say that losing an hour of sleep really messes with our circadian rhythm. I don't know about you, but I find for the first week or so I'm a bit off schedule, but after that it's smooth sailing. I love my sleep! And I expect my body has known that daylight savings time was coming, because I've been going to bed at 9 p.m. for the past two weeks!


Ok, now its the 21st century and I don't really think that tricking those cows is a good reason any more. But the flip side of daylight savings time is that I love those long twilight evenings too! You know when the sun stays up past 9 p.m. and you can relax on your front porch, or in our case, our lovely new deck at the trailer.


Even better, sitting around the campfire, enjoying the final hours of being outside before the mosquitoes hit! Sharing the warmth and quiet of a summer evening with good friends, and lots of laughter. That's my idea of hygge.


You know hygge? (pronounced hue-gah). 

Hygge is the Danish concept of happiness, and it was only last year that I discovered this wonderful way to inject some joy into my daily life.  You can too.  There are so many ways to celebrate happiness or hygge.  


Most of the information written about hygge focuses on being cozy, firelight and candles.  Bundling up in big sweaters, thick socks and drinking a big mug of cocoa.  Sound good?  Well to me, hygge isn't just for winter or colder climates.  While hygge will help you survive the winter, the concept of hygge is perfect any time of the year. 


In fact we can live hygge all year long.


So how can you get your hygge on?


Well there are just so many ways.  You could make arrangements to invite your friends over for a potluck on a Sunday afternoon.  


Putting that smart phone down and talking, really talking to your mom or dad, your children, or giving some undivided attention to your beloved pet.


I think when it comes to hygge, it's where mindfulness and cozy-ness intersect.  Hygge isn't about multi-tasking, but more about being in the moment.  You could be doing laundry, and catching up on your reading.  


Or enjoying a freshly baked pie with your dearest friend.  


For me, it's watching the hockey game with my husband on Saturday night. (Go Leafs Go!)


Spring is the perfect time of year to get to know hygge.  We even have a 7 Day Hygge Challenge to get you into the swing of things.  




Challenge or no challenge, hygge is something we can fully embrace from the Danes.  


I can guarantee hygge will change you. 


And after all, you can't go wrong with a little more happiness.  Especially when we're springing forward.  




You Can Live Rich On Less







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Michele Cadogan 917-861-9166
Fillmore Real Estate 2990 Av U, Bklyn , NY 11229 - Brooklyn, NY
Licensed Real Estate Associate Broker -

Interesting  that you mention that you can live Hygge all year long.  It seems to invite  practioners to the  idea of slow movement, spending quality time with  friends , family and anyone that they meet. .  The concept encourages you to step off the treadmill  view , participate and appreciate life.   Just like you It was only last year that I read about the concept on an early retirement frugal site and recently our local news did a lifestyle segment on a  New York family of nordic decent that live a Hyggee life.

Mar 10, 2019 01:30 PM
Bob Crane
Woodland Management Service / Woodland Real Estate, KW Diversified - Stevens Point, WI
Forestland Experts! 715-204-9671

Hi Judy,  Thanks for sharing your story.  I would like to hygge all year long.

Mar 10, 2019 10:53 PM
Joan Cox
House to Home, Inc. - Denver Real Estate - 720-231-6373 - Denver, CO
Denver Real Estate - Selling One Home at a Time

Judith, I know our state is looking to abolish Daylight Saving Time and sure would be nice.

Mar 16, 2019 05:52 AM