
How Important Is Indoor Air Quality To You?

Home Inspector with WWW.ExecutiveRestoration.Com 10-0039724

How important is indoor,  air quality to you?  How clean do you think your indoor air quality is?  Many people never stop to consider this until they talk to me or read an article that I write and then I get a phone call or email. People ask me all the time of what he or she is breathing and do I have a Mold Issue and could Mold be making me feel bad?  I have no idea until I get my samples taken and sent off to a lab for testing.

Do we take our everyday breathing, for granted?

Do most people even consider indoor,  air quality?  How clean or dirty is the air you are breathing?

How clean is your Indoor Air Quality?  No one knows, without testing?  What is in your Air, that you are breathing?  Most do not know,  nor can they tell me.

Did you know that Indoor Air, is more polluted than outdoor, air? Think of all the VOCs that are off-gassing in a home or building?  Paint, stain, plastic, carpet, padding and so many more things.  So, what are VOCs?  Volatile Organic Compounds.


Most of the time, we take our breathing for granted.  We breathe without thinking just like our heartbeats without thinking and about beating.


Think of all the things in the home that affect, indoor air quality.  Pets, people, carpets, dirty return air filters to your HVAC, furniture,  how often you clean or do not clean, and much more.  Everything adds up and is

cumulative.  Everything adds up so try to keep your house clean.  The cleaner your building is the cleaner the indoor air quality is.

For example, are you using deodorizers or plugs to mask the odors in your home?  Are you using deodorizer towels to dry your clothes to smell better.  There are many chemicals in homes that you do not need or should not have.  

Now, think of how many people are in a home and how many pets you have.  For every person or pet, imagine all the dead skin that accumulates in a home.  It needs to be vacuumed regularly and this includes furniture as well.

The cleaner your home is, the cleaner your air is.

How about your carpet and furniture?  When was the last time you gave it a bath or shower with carpet cleaning or furniture cleaning?


Some food for thought and things to consider that affect your indoor air quality in your home that many people never even think of.


My name is David Snell and I am passionate about Mold Inspections and indoor air quality.  What are you breathing?  Has your home had prior water damage?  It could be that you have issues behind walls or ceilings that is growing.  Not many think about this but if we add up all the things that could be contributing to indoor air quality or lack of good clean air, we will certainly know more.


Until, my next article.

David Snell





David Snell

