
Hurry! Bluelight Special!

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Alliance

Exhausted Realtor seeking advice on how to get your Buyers to "get real" in a Buyer's market!  Racing around from home to home, with lists of more homes to view, writing low-ball offers on already value-priced homes, nit-picking each home to death ... my oh my, where does it stop?  Somehow, a majority of buyers in the market now are of the impression that you can buy a home for pennies on the dollar ... as though every home on the market is on sale during the Blue Light Special!  Would love to hear some tips and hints on REALLY developing the skills to help Buyers FOCUS and realize that NOW is the time to buy ... not wait around for "the perfect" home at unheard of prices.  What are others out there doing that seems to help Buyers understand the market?  How can we educate our Buyers to help lead them to the decision they already want to make?


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Greg Hampton
Re/Max Around The Mountains - Blue Ridge, GA
North Georgia Mountain Property,Blue Rid

I wish I knew the anwser! Every buyer is different and I try to validate pricing by showing them recent sales in the area(CMA).

Jun 03, 2008 07:15 AM
Tracy Wilson
Re/Max Alliance - Loveland, CO

Hey Kathy - I feel you girl!!!  We have five buyers just "sitting on the fence" waiting for the prices to go down even lower.  We have done what Greg said - do a CMA showing recent sales - nothing.  We have had people on our new construction homes (which has been reduce over $30,000) offer $25,000 lower then the reduced price.  The builder could not take the offer!! 

I have been working with one buyer who FINALLY wrote on a house and they have been looking for over a year!  I am at a lost too! 

Jun 06, 2008 06:53 AM