
New Land!! Kershaw Camden Highway, Lancaster SC 29720

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Erica Homes, LLC


New Land!!

Kershaw Camden Highway, Lancaster SC 29720
Call us to a schedule showing!
(704)209- SOLD!

Priced to sell fast!! Residential land located in Kershaw Camden Hwy. Call us to schedule appointment! Don't miss the opportunity!!

#EricaHomesLLC‬ #LandHelp #ibuyland #BuyLand #realestate #RealEstateBroker #Landforsale #Death #divorce #repairs #probates #reversemortgage #missingpayments

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Barbara Todaro
Retired...Mentoring Newbies - Franklin, MA
Previously Affiliated with The Todaro Team

Good morning, Erica Simpson wishing you well with the marketing of your land listing.... I hope it sells soon for you....

Mar 22, 2019 07:18 AM