Growing a vegetable garden is really gaining in popularity and for that reason, home buyers may seek out properties in more rural areas.
This may not always be an option, however, so what can you do if you live in the city but you want a country home?
You can grow a Patio Garden.
Growing a garden on your porch, deck, or patio is a great way to have a variety of veggies whenever you need them. By using pots, planters, or other containers you can grow just about any plant that you would normally see in a vegetable garden.
A few things to remember with a Patio Garden.
Keep the pots easy to move so you can get them out the severe weather when needed.
Choose a pot or container that matches the size of the plant. A tomato plant and pepper plant will require a larger pot whereas radishes a much smaller one.
Water, water, water. The downfall of growing vegetables in containers is you will need to water more often. Each morning make a habit of visiting your patio garden and watering your plants.
Make sure your pots have adequate drainage. This will keep the roots of the plants from sitting in wet soil and risking the health of the plant.
Be sure to have your container is in a sunny area. Vegetable plants do better in warm sunshine so choose a location that will give sun but not hot constant sun. If you find your plants are not doing well because the sun is too constant and/or hot then simply move them into a slightly shaded area for a day or two.
What if you do not have a patio for a garden but you do have a small space in the grass that will work? Then straw bale gardening might be an option for you to try.
Straw bale gardening is just what it sounds like. You are growing plants inside of a straw bale. Simply put, the straw bale is the container or pot. There is a bit more prep work with a straw bale that needs to be done before you can plant in it, but if you have the room this really is a great way to grow a garden.
If you can grow it in the ground, then you can grow it in a straw bale. There really are no limits here. The downfall is the bale will need to be prepared before you can plant. So, keep that in mind if you choose to go this route.
A few things to remember with straw bale gardening.
Straw bales need to be just that. STRAW. So be sure you are purchasing correctly. Do not use hay since hay contains seeds that will grow along with your plants.
Straw bales are not pretty so be sure if you live in a location with a Homeowners Association you are permitted to grow this way.
Straw bales once planted are HEAVY. Once you choose a location you will not be able to move it.
A straw bale is still a container and will require more frequent watering.
If you are living in the suburbs or the city and thought that a vegetable garden was just something you could not enjoy, think again.
With these two options, you can have your tomatoes and eat them too!