My Daughter Tawnie & I at the Eastern Arizona College Drama Reunion
No big deal really, except the fact that my Drama coach Dr Crae Wilson was retiring & he was also my daughter's Drama Teacher/coach/director. How could this happen?!?! I promise it was just yesterday I was on that stage performing in Music Man as the Widow Paroo! Or was I "slightly soiled" one of the lost boys from Peter Pan?! One thing for sure no matter my age I always feel 19 when I step on that stage. I attended EAC on a Drama Scholarship; my daughter is there on an alumni foundation Scholarship and into Music.
Where and What is Eastern Arizona College well, I will tell you it was originally Gila Girls Academy many, many moons ago & my Grandmother Ruth Tenney Lamoreaux attended there. Tradition runs deep in my family. This campus is small and most students are involved in the fine arts somehow. The Drama & Music department is stellar. Visit the campus by clicking
So here we are - why do I feel old!!!!
LOOK at my Daughter she grew up!!!
AND she is getting Married Aug 12th 2008!!!!!
Mark is there to catch her who will catch me! :-)
I need medication! :-)