You’ve been cleaning your pool or maybe recently shocked it, but you still end up with the same question: why is my pool still cloudy? A cloudy pool is unsightly, and it can cost you more in the long run. This is an issue you need to address as soon as possible. Here are a few pointers on why you have a cloudy pool.
Why is My Pool Still Cloudy? - Clear Up Your Water Again
Before trying to figure out why your pool is still cloudy, you want to bear in mind that there are different levels of cloudiness and most often the appropriate treatment is determined by the cause.
Pool Filtration
Poor filtration can result in cloudy pool water. Think about how long you’ve been running your filter. You also want to establish whether the filter is clean. Assuming you have the right size of pump or filter you need to run it long enough to filter your entire pool once. An underutilized or undersized pump/filter is a recipe for disaster. Keeping your pool clear requires that the water circulates properly, a process that would typically need you to run the pump for about eight to ten hours.
Check your filter’s manual for the turn over rates, which refers to the number of gallons your filter will clean within a certain time.
Have You Cleaned Your Filter Recently?
Your pool filter is typically a tank that water flows through. However, you’ll want to check the pressure gauge on your filtration system and get a reading of the pressure. The rule of thumb is that a reading of 10 psi over normal indicates that you need to clean your filter. Dirty filters cause the pressure reading to spike. More often than not, the pump is working fine, but the dirty filter is slowing down the return of water to your pool resulting in a cloudy pool.
If you have cartridge filters, be sure to replace them every one or two years. If you notice the pressure doesn’t go down after cleaning the cartridges, or the bands have broken, you may need to replace them to ensure that you’re cleaning your pool properly.
Chemical Imbalance
One way to ensure your pool is clear is to make sure the water is properly balanced. High pH levels or alkalinity or a lack of chlorine is a sure way to cause pool cloudiness. Check your pool’s chemical levels and confirm that everything is in good condition. Invest in a testing kit and check your pool chemistry daily. Alternatively, you can take a water sample to your local pool store so they can test the pool water level for you.
Environmental Factors
Sometimes, environmental factors can contribute to a cloud pool. These include:
• Run-off water
• Pollen, dust, leaves, etc.
• Animals, insects, etc.
• Algae can also cause cloudiness in its early growth stages
Bottom Line
A cloudy pool can easily transform your investment into an eyesore. It can also cause skin and eye irritation and lead to shorter filter cycles which need regular cartridge cleaning. Once you have answers to the question: why is my pool still cloudy? You can take measures to clear the pool and restore it to its former glory.