Summer is quickly approaching and the hubs and I are tentatively planning a road trip a bit across country. We'll be starting at home, coming from Tulsa, OK, and heading out west. We may or may not make it as far as the Pacific, but there are a few things we'd like to see.
Possibly the Grand Canyon, maybe Yosemite. Heck, if we make it all the way to Yosemite, then maybe we'll have to see the ocean.
Meanwhile, I'm thinking.. that's a looooong car trip! I've got to have a plan.
I have 3 kiddos, twins aged 15, (one boy, one girl), and a 9 year old boy. I'm thinking I'll mainly need snack plans, lots of family game options, and ways for them to entertain themselves alone (including technology of course).
Snack ideas should not take up too much room and I'm going to try to stay as healthy as I can (that's the main challenge). Family game options - I'm thinking Pinterest ideas and mad libs!
And - for the technology, I'll go by my own advice with the resources I dug up for best tablet for kids - not just for games, but also for reading. (I plan to make them read at least some!)
Any other thoughts on what big ideas I need to consider for traveling with older kids?
Can't wait until summer!