Homes for Sale in Holly Knoll | Great Falls, VA - April 2019 Home Values
This is a snapshot of recent sales in the Holly Knoll neighborhood of Great Falls, VA. Real estate market data and analysis is provided by Peggy Yee, Realtor. Please click here for the latest Holly Knoll neighborhood guide, market trends and homes for sale.
Highest and Lowest Sold Homes in Holly Knoll
In the past 6 months, 5 properties have sold in Holly Knoll ranging from a 5-bed, 3.5-bath Detached for $674,900 to a 5-bed, 4.5-bath Detached for $1,000,000.
Holly Knoll Community Real Estate Market Activity
These market activity gauges show the market trends for the previous month (February) as compared to the 5-year March average. The market supply is 1 month, which indicates the total number of months it would take for the current inventory to sell. The average sold price is $845,000 and the average days on market is 46 days. Click here for the complete Holly Knoll neighborhood guide and market statistics for the area including total number of sold homes and average price per square foot.
Find Schools near Holly Knoll
Fairfax County Public Schools near Holly Knoll include: Forestville Elementary School and Great Falls Elementary School. For the Great School ratings, click on the school name. To look up the schools serving a specific address, go to the Fairfax County Public School boundary locator.
What Is Your Home Worth?
Are you thinking about selling or want to know what the current value of your home is? Click here to find out what your Holly Knoll home is currently worth or to get prices of recently sold homes in your neighborhood.
About Peggy Yee
Peggy Yee is a supervising broker at Frankly Realtors and is a local Top Producer and was one of Northern Virginia Magazine's Top Realtors in 2015-2019. She has been quoted in the Around Reston Magazine, Washington Post, Money Magazine, Consumer Reports, Zillow, Trulia and Peggy is 100% committed to making your move the best experience possible! See what Peggy's previous clients are saying. Click here for Seller Video Testimonials. Click here for Buyer Video Testimonials. Click here for Zillow Reviews.