Termites are the most hated insects, but they have been around for millions of years. Summer is almost nearing and therefore, this could be the right time for termites to multiply and seek new homes, food options and the right environment for growth and multiplications. They reproduce by the thousands and unless we are able to control them, within a short period of time, we could see that an entire home can be infested with these insects. So, what causes termites to swarm? This article will go over what causes these critters to swarm in your home.
Some Useful Information About Termites
Termites are insidious creatures. In other words, they are capable of creating their nests underground and above ground. This helps them to get better access to homes and once inside, they can cause immense damage to a property within a short period of time. The worst thing is that termites have the capability to remain hidden and they could be damaging your property. There are also some termites that have wings and can fly. These termites are known for their ability to cause extensive damage.
What Causes Termites to Swarm? - The First Sign of an Infestation
Termite swarms are a precursor to the termite season. They come in swarms only once a year and they have a specific time that they choose. The timing depends on various factors including the species of these termites. They follow a seasonal pattern when it comes to moving out in swarms. There is a specific reason for termites swarming during a particular season of the year. Their main objective is to breed and start to build new colonies.
When you have a termite swarm, you can be sure that that you are at the beginning of a new termite life cycle. During this period, the male and female species are fully developed from the sexual perspective. Hence they leave their nests and start flying. This is often called by the term, nuptial flight. This is a trait and character that is prevalent in other insects including ants.
There is one more reason for swarming in termites. They congregate in the air in swarms and use the opportunity to mate with termites belonging to the same species but emanating from other colonies. Once the mating has been done successfully, the termites land and starts shedding their wings and get into the job of creating a new colony.
When Do They Swarm?
Termites generally begin their swarming during the early day of spring. This is when the weather becomes warm and once the rain has hit the land. Termites make good use of environmental cues as a way to start their swarming activities. They also do it in such a way that it gets synchronized with other termite colonies belonging to the same species. This also increases the chances of inbreeding within their own species. The timing chosen by termites for swarming would again depend on the species to which they belong. Subterranean termites are known to swarm during the day whereas formosan termites are known to swarm during the night time.
Termites are one of the most stubborn insects. Therefore, you have to be sure that you do not procrastinate in taking steps to eliminate them. Understanding the reasons and understanding what causes termites to swarm could help in controlling them and exterminating them at the right time and place.