
How Your Real Estate Agency Can Protect Itself And Ensure Success

Real Estate Technology with Husky Marketing

Starting a real estate agency is an accomplishment in itself but the work is just getting started. Mitigating risks is important as a single risk could be costly to a company depending on what it is. Putting policies that protect the company into play can range from pre-employment paperwork being extensive or negotiating payment terms when closing a deal. The trick is to be as proactive as possible when dealing with things that could turn into liabilities. The following are ways a real estate business can protect itself and ensure future success through specific practices.

Get The Right Legal Team

A great real estate legal team like those at can be a huge help especially if any contract disputes occur. There is a myriad of paperwork that people have to sign through a property buying and lending process. Making sure the language in these documents is correct and binding is important as laws are updated often. Being able to protect the company from disgruntled employees is also important as these former employees can do quite a bit of damage to company reputation.

Continually Improve Sales Numbers

The truth is that if agents are consistently closing deals and lenders are lending enough monthly most problems tend to go muted. A lot of problems are hidden when profits are high even though the company could be bleeding money in certain areas. Try to improve sales numbers and quality of leads through more targeted marketing and partnerships like that of partnering with a lender back and forth to close deals together. Sending the best leads to agents that always close deals should also be done. Closers close so make sure your top performers continue to be taken care of.

Extensive Hiring Process

Hiring needs to be done with care as the wrong employees could be stealing leads or getting information for their own company or a competitor. Check in with every reference an employee has and ask pertinent questions about the performance of the employee. Far too often people use family or friends as a reference so try to check this out using social media as well as LinkedIn can be a great tool to do some digging on job roles. Hiring a legal team as mentioned above to put together the best pre-employment paperwork possible to reduce issues of going to a competitor or using company secrets for their own gain. Most professionals are not willing to compromise their career or risk a lawsuit just to get revenge on a company that let them go when they have signed this paperwork.

Online Reputation Management

Taking time to invest in online reputation management can be everything from responding to comment in online reviews to contributing an article to a real estate publication to showcase company knowledge. You want the first few results when researching your company to be resources as well as positive reviews of the company. Purchasing a home is a huge step for a person so they will be very picky with whom they choose. Make the decision easy for them by bulking up your business’ online reputation.

Take the time to protect your business in any way that you can as it can help you ensure future success. Do not leave things up to chance and hope for the best as this can sink a business over time.



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Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

Thank you very much for sharing your advice.

Have a most productive spring.

Apr 23, 2019 01:57 PM