Hey world!
So, I've posted before that I have another blog about all things reading, helping parents who have struggling readers, and teachers who teach reading. I'm not a classroom teacher (anymore), but I did have an ulterior motive and personal reason for starting that blog. It's to do with my own kiddos.
My oldest daughter had such a struggle reading. She is a fighter, though, and now in High School - she is a straight A student. And my youngest has severe anxiety issues with ADHD on top of it.
So I started the blog to encourage parents whose kids also struggle. Because it can be a horrible feeling as a parent when your kid isn't meeting milestones academically. And you have to struggle to figure out what is causing it, which can takes years.
ADHD in particular affects the reading of lots of kids. When my son reads, he can get through one sentence, and then he has to look around, or twirl, or throw his body back. He needs "breaks" way more often than you could get a whole paragraph in.
He's doing a lot better now with intervention and help, but man! In case you ever wondered why ADHD kids have trouble reading, it's mostly because of a lack of focus. He's a super smart kid, but not being able to concentrate while reading is debilitating.
Any one else experience this? Or have a child who experiences it? You are not alone! I even wrote an article on ways to help an ADHD person with reading (and with other areas of life).
Oh! And in case you are wondering, yep that's my youngest son in the red shirt hanging upside down in the pic. :)
Have a wonderful day, it's Wednesday! Yippee!