
Social Media Exposure: Made Easy.

Services for Real Estate Pros with PropertyMinder, Inc.


Hi ActiveRainers,

What Social media channels are you currently utilizing (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram)?

Which Social Network is the most effective for you?

How much money do you spend in advertising each month to get people to your website? (or say “to grow your network”)

Have you ever considered low cost Social Media advertising to grow your business?

If you answered YES to that last question, we recently launched a promo that's just right for you.

If you:

- have a (featured and/or office) listing(s) that has been on the market for 30+ days - we will BOOST it's exposure.

- have been struggling with your social media marketing and/or attracting new business - we will BOOST exposure of your photo, bio, contact info, etc.

- need ANY kind of social media BOOST for ANY facet of your business - we're on it.

Interested? Let us know when you'd like to get started. We'd love to help you. 

Hope your Spring has been a great one so far!

Account Executive
Direct | 408.213.4668

1101 S. Winchester Blvd, J-225

San Jose, CA 95128

More Referrals. Increased Listings. Better Relationships.
+ Free Service For Existing Customers With Our Referral Program

Laura Cerrano
Feng Shui Manhattan Long Island - Locust Valley, NY
Certified Feng Shui Expert, Speaker & Researcher

I got like the classical European roof vibe from this one and I love it! Very interesting market!

May 09, 2019 05:44 PM
PropertyMinder (AccelerAgent)
PropertyMinder, Inc. - San Jose, CA
Modern Tools for the Modern Agent

Thanks, Laura Cerrano - how's your social media marketing going these days? - Tim

May 09, 2019 06:02 PM