
Signs of Spring

Real Estate Agent with Century 21 Landmark Realty Group

 shoveling snow

Signs of Spring! You have got to be kidding, there is nothing but cold, snow and ice outside!




But if you were outside this morning there were definitely signs of Spring!  The symphony of bird-song brought a warmth all it's own and made the cold much easier to bear.  Seeing the red/orange breast of robins placed a bright spot in my day.


Watch for signs of Spring, enjoy them and the change from cold winter to the warmth and new birth of the Spring season!

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MaryAnn Morrar ~ La Jolla
Coldwell Banker - La Jolla, CA

I moved from the east coast in the 70's and I have never missed the winter weather.  Spring has already arrived in Fremont CA - it's in the 60's and everything is in bloom

Mar 06, 2007 07:01 AM
Bob Sloop, Consultant, Indianapolis, IN
RS Mortgage Consulting - Indianapolis, IN
Hi Patty, yes it is going to warm up, it will, trust me.  LOL, good to hear from someone in my old stomping grounds.  I use to live and work in Syracuse, as a loan officer in the 80's, man that seems like yesterday.  Have a great day, the sun is up, and it is so pretty.
Mar 10, 2007 11:49 PM
Patty Wise
Century 21 Landmark Realty Group - Middlebury, IN
Thank you for the comments.  Bob, Syracuse is one of my favorite places for a few hour get away.  They have great little shops, Pat's Chicago Dogs, the lakes, and Bail's Butcher Shop.  
Mar 12, 2007 12:54 AM
Joe Abbott
Patty, Watching the earth "spring" to life is one of the few reasons I like Winter. Winter must make selling Real Estate a drag. It's good to see your still prospering and helping people. I'd buy a home through you anytime because I now your honest, kind, and a very sweet person. Hope to hear more from you on your Blog.
Mar 12, 2007 12:54 AM