
The Ask

Real Estate Agent with Max Broock Realtors

Who's been in this situation....

You're at a party and you find out that one of your friends just bought a new home.  As the anger builds inside you, you have to bite your lip and take the high road.  You congratulate them on the house and say something like "I can't wait to see it".  Let's face it... your night is ruined. 

I've heard this story one to many times from some of my colleagues.  I'm often asked why that never happens to me. 

First let me start out by saying.... IT HAS HAPPENED TO ME!  And it hurts.

I have implemented what I call "the ask" system into my daily life.  Although it can be difficult for some to do, the consequences of not doing it are even worse.  The ask is so simple... it's: ASK FOR BUSINESS!  I make a practice of asking everyone, my friends, my nail lady, even my own mother to help me with my business.  I'm constantly reminding people I'm a Realtor and I'm hungry for business.  My goal is to be the first name that comes to mind ANYTIME some discusses their housing situation.  People are generally good hearted, and they want to help you.  So ASK ASK ASK for help... you'll be surprised how much you'll get.
Sherri Berry
Reliant Realty, Murfreesboro - Murfreesboro, TN
Murfreesboro TN Homes & Real Estate

I have had this happen so many times it hurts.  The hard part for me is asking people that I think should be asking me!  I've heard we all need to ASK over and over again...but there is always this rebellious part of me that thinks family, friends, and neighbors should be asking me! We just had an agent whose cousin called and asked her what should she ask a Realtor when she interview them to list her home!  She didn't ask her cousin to list it, she just wanted her to help pick out a "good" Realtor!  Amazing.

Aug 25, 2006 08:50 AM
Mitchell J Hall
Manhattan, NY
Lic Associate RE Broker - Manhattan & Brooklyn


I wish I could be more like Sara, but I'm with you. Maybe it's my rebellious part  - but I think if all I ever do is ASK over and over I'll lose all my friends. I can hear them saying he's so pushy always talking about real estate all he wants is our listing. It does hurt.

Every morning when I turn on my computer and click new listings I practically hold my my breath in fear that I will see a friend, neighbor, relative or former buyer just listed with another agent.

Aug 25, 2006 10:03 AM
Sara Lipnitz
Max Broock Realtors - Birmingham, MI
I can assure you that none of my friends think that I'm pushy.  I just say things like... "remeber me if anyone needs help with housing". I let people know that I'm hungry... not pushy.  There is a balance I promise.   
Aug 25, 2006 10:32 AM
Karen Villa Schweinfurth
RE/MAX Northwest Realtors, Inc. 425-308-3669 - Everett, WA
ABR, CRS, SRES, CyberStar
Sara, how heartbreaking. My investor (bought over 12 properties from me including their million dollar home) listed their own home with the "neighborhood expert". And not only that I find out from the neighbor. Boy, I was fuming, I wrote her a letter expressing my disappointment that I wasn't even interviewed. I called three weeks later and she declined my call. It's been three months and she called and asked me to lunch Monday. Guess what her sail failed and home is BOM. Should I get excited that I may get the listing? Don't think so.
Aug 25, 2006 02:21 PM
Sharon Simms
Coastal Properties Group International - Christie's International - Saint Petersburg, FL

Sometimes it's because we don't stay in touch enough...sometimes they feel we're too far away compared to the neighborhood expert...sometimes they've developed a very close friendship with someone who happens to be an agent ... but whatever the reason, it does hurt.

I recently had a client call to talk to me about listing their house - he was upfront in saying they were also talking to neighborhood specialists since they were concerned I was too far away. On the other hand, they really trusted me.  We discussed the pros and cons, and they decided to list with me.

It's when they don't talk to you that it hurts the most. If they say, we're going to try to sell it ourselves because...etc, at least we understand the what and why, and can support them in whatever choice they make.

Aug 26, 2006 03:58 AM