
Should you be blogging in 2019?

Home Builder with Women of Westchester Working Together

 Happy Memorial Day!

I mentioned in a previous article that I had purchased a second blog, in addition to TheFlooringGirl. 

The truth is that I wanted to go out and put forth a separate that wasn't biased and one that presented an unfiltered perspective.

But, that being said, it's important to remember that while working at home is great, it's not for everyone. 

Despite all the noise on Facebook ads, making money online is NOT easy. There are a lot of claims on how people are making $XXX.XX using Pinterest and making a full-time living after a few months. 

The truth is that those people are few and far in between. 

I started my blog as a way to market my flooring business and I had to learn SEO to keep my business alive and running. 

I still do flooring and design consultations to supplement my blogging income because I have debt to pay off. 

Freelancing was also a way that I was able to make more money from my side business. Not all bloggers are free of debt and not all report their alleged income correctly. 

One of the most important lessons I've learned to blogging for money in 2019 is that you cannot take shortcuts with your content. People easily see through haphazardly created articles and will look to others for advice. 

This is why I always recommend that you be a subject matter expert in your blog niche. 

Making money online, at a very basic level, is all about solving people's problems. I receive several comments per day from people on my flooring blog asking for my opinion on certain design elements. 

It's my job to provide them with answers and that's what develops our relationship and trust. It's through that trust that they eventually purchase from a link on my site. I get a commission from those purchases (similar to how a real estate agent gets a commission for closing a property) and it's how I make the majority of my money online. 

I think the key to business, whether brick and mortar or online, is establishing trust. 

Have you thought about blogging to further your business' reach?

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Lorrie Semler, REALTOR® in the Dallas area. Call/text 972-416-3417
HomeSmart Stars - Addison, TX
Real Service. Real Results. Real Estate

I tried a second blog once. It's hard enough keeping up with one so I let it go.

May 27, 2019 05:03 PM
Grant Schneider
Performance Development Strategies - Armonk, NY
Your Coach Helping You Create Successful Outcomes

Good morning Debbie - I haven't seen this ID in a while.  Are you working with a flooring contractor now?  Maybe someone for BNI?

May 28, 2019 06:26 AM