Hey Rain friends!
Just wanting to share - I've created tons of these cute printable bookmarks for kids if anyone is interested. I'll post them below! In case you are the parent, grandparent, or caregiver of a young reader. :)
If you are like me, you might find it difficult to get kids READING these days. It's so hard to get children off of their screens and devices. But I'm going to keep trying. :) Don't get me wrong, I think devices are fun and handy - great little tools! But, I don't want electronics to replace my kid's love of reading.
That being said - I really struggle with this, so I'm always looking for ways to get creative in convincing my own children to pick up a book. If you have some more great ideas, please leave them in the comments section below! I'd love to hear them.
Here are a few that I use that come to mind:
- Visits to the library
- Requiring screen-free time daily. (Maybe if they get bored, they'll pick up a book!)
- Looking for local reading challenges.
- Having my own incentive chart for reading at home.
- Audio books!
I'm just always looking for creative ways to get them to pick up a book. Making and then printing out these little bookmarks is one fun way of doing that! Feel free to grab any you want (free, of course!). So far, I've got Christmas, Valentine's, Mother's Day, Flower bookmarks, St. Patrick's, Harry Potter, 4th of July, and of course, Summertime bookmarks and just for extra fun, these Popsicle stick bookmarks.
Hope you enjoy!
And happy reading to you this summer!