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Liens, Surveys and Other Things Buyers and Sellers Need to Know

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If you're buying or selling land for sale in North Florida, there are a few things you should know. Check out these informative articles to get started.


Can You Get a Tax Lien Removed From Your Land So You Can Sell It?

If the Internal Revenue Service has put a tax lien on your land, you may have a tough time selling the property - even if you really, really need to sell it. Fortunately, you may be able to have it removed by asking the IRS to withdraw it... but here's what you need to know first.


Who Can Put a Lien on Your Property?

A lot of people and companies can put a lien on your property, and you may have one without even realizing it. Here's who can put a lien on your property and what you can do to have it removed.


How Do You Get a Lien Removed From Your Property So You Can Sell Your Land?

If you need to get a lien removed from your property in order to sell your land, these are the steps you need to take. Remember, though, the sooner you plan for this, the better.