
"Your Ultimate Summer Bucket List"

Real Estate Agent with McGraw Realtors 160104

Whether you like hiking, sleeping, eating or exploring new places you'll enjoy Our Ultimate Summer Bucket List! This list is full of fun Summertime ideas that are easy to do. Pick a few items and make sure to take lots of pictures and videos. And be sure to tag the HAYWOOD HOME TEAM in your posts so that we can see all the fun you're having. 


This month, we wanted to provide your family with something a little different. So, grab a magnet and hang this bucket list on your fridge for easy access. It is a great pleasure to us for you to enjoy this information and make some goals to complete before the end of this Summer. 


HHT Social Media Tags: @haywoodhometeam @wevegotthehouses


Ultimate Summer Bucket List

Posted by

Sheldon Haywood

Haywood Home Team at McGraw Realtors

(918) 206-6505