
Reducing Stress With Gratitude

Industry Observer with You Can Live Rich On Less

Can you really reduce your stress, find some peace and open up your creativity with gratitude? 


I believe you can with a gratitude journal.  


You may think that you are grateful every day, so no need to put it in a journal.  Who needs to write it all down?  You're probably also thinking "I don't need one more thing on my To Do list!"


But on the off chance you are trying to reduce stress, or slow down, and simplify your life, keeping a gratitude journal can be huge in signaling to your sub-conscious – “hey, let’s pause a minute here.”


Zig Ziglar says "“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.”


Sounds about right, doesn't it?  


I think of my Gratitude Journal as my own personal therapist.  A best friend to share my most private thoughts, problems or issues of the day.  Writing it all down helps me to see not only the situation, but often presents a solution.  


It could be about anything at all really.  Problems with a co-worker, or your boss.  Money troubles.  An argument you had this morning with your significant other.  Just spending a few minutes by yourself, with your gratitude journal, and maybe a coffee.  


So how do you get started with a Gratitude Journal? 

  1. Choose a time of day that’s best for you.
  2. Find a pretty journal, one with lines pages works best. 
  3. You can also add pages to your Bullet Journal if you have one.
  4. Be open to how you may feel as a result of writing in your gratitude journal regularly – daily, weekly, monthly.
  5. We think having a list of journal prompts that will take you through several weeks can be helpful. Be aware of any changes after one month, and then incrementally.
  6. Make of list of other things you can write about in the future, once you’ve used up your prompts.


What do I write In A Gratitude Journal?

Anything at all really.  There are no rules when it comes to journaling.  This is for you, to help you focus, be grateful for all the good things in your life, and to puzzle out the challenges too.  


Will A Gratitude Journal Change My Life? 

Well I guess that depends upon you.  It certainly changed mine. 


As a writer, it's helped me to embrace my creativity, become a stronger communicator.  As someone who manages the work of others, it's helped to troubleshoot challenges at work and help others too.


I would say, "just try it". Give it a month and see what happens.  


I think you will be pleasantly surprised.


Judy Kahansky

You Can Live Rich on Less