Hey Rain Friends,
As I sit here in bed, my husband watching Netflix next to me and my pile of books to be read on my nightstand, I wonder how many of my kind are left in this world?
Friends and acquaintances my age tend to like books and read them from time to time. Mostly (it seems) self-"helpish" type books. But even few read novels for fun, and even less on a consistent basis.
My teenagers only read when forced. They read well, and they read for pleasure if there's no internet available - like all their friends. But seriously, I can count on one hand the children I've met through the years who I would count to be a book lover.
I think this is no one's fault - it's a sign of the times, and a direct result of media and the ever-present entertainment to be found online. But I think it's worth fighting for - bringing back a love of reading for pure pleasure. Reading for pleasure has been one of my greatest joys in life. I wish everyone could experience the dive into a good story, to be drawn in to another world altogether.
Anyway, I've started a blog that helps children read - letter a printables, letter b worksheets, etc.. But it's up to the parents to foster a love of reading.
Are you a bookworm? Am I alone? Let me know! I plan to keep trying with my kids. Maybe one day they will catch on!
Here's hoping I walk into you with our noses in a book!