
How Real Estate Agents Can Use A Virtual Assistant

Industry Observer with CixxFive Conceptes

Stated by A Better Answer, real estate agents are often busy professionals that have to deal with multiple time-consuming tasks on the daily. A few of these daily tasks include listing properties, setting up showings and open houses, interacting with prospective buyers and sellers, negotiating deals, and more.

If you work as a real estate agent, then you understand how stressful it can be to handle all of these tasks yourself. Luckily, there is an easy solution that can help you reduce stress, save time and money all while growing your business. Sounds like something you would be interested in? Then consider hiring a virtual assistant.

How A Virtual Assistant Can Help Real Estate Agents
Virtual assistants are capable of handling various tasks because they usually possess a wide variety of skills related to computers and telephones. Two key areas that a virtual assistant can help you with are marketing and operations and admin.

Marketing Assistance

Virtual assistants can help real estate agents with marketing by

  • Assembling buyer’s packets, documents, and PowerPoint
  • Creating mailers, graphics, and promotional material
  • Emailing
  • Writing blog posts
  • Managing social media accounts
  • Performing key market research

    When you outsource these tasks to a virtual assistant, it means that you will be free to spend your time on the more important tasks, such as client acquisition and closing deals. Hiring a virtual assistant to perform these lower-yielding tasks is an excellent way to help you scale your business while leaving you to be the face of your business.

Just think about what else you could be doing when you no longer have to spend time on marketing efforts. 

Operations and Admin Assistance
Virtual assistants can help real estate agents with operations or admin by doing the following:Data entry

  • Data Entry
  • Managing calendars 
  • Responding to incoming emails
  • Creating and updating online property listings

    When you hire a qualified virtual assistant to handle these tedious daily tasks, it can dramatically reduce your stress and increase the amount of time that you spend on more important tasks. Sometimes the “do it yourself” mentality isn’t always best.

Most real estate agents do not get into this business so that they can enter data and create and manage calendars. They get into it because they love selling homes, making money, and making people happy. You are a people person.

Why Hiring a Virtual Assistant is the Answer
Skilled virtual assistants can be a blessing for real estate agents. They cannot help you with all of the tasks required to perform your job, but they can most certainly help you with marketing and operations and admin to help you grow your business. If you are going to hire a virtual assistant, make sure that you look for one that specializes in your needs.

Hiring a talented virtual assistant will provide you with more time to put directly towards growing your business. If you are at the point in your career where you are serious about making more money and furthering your business, then hiring a virtual assistant is one of the best things that you can do


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Joan Cox
House to Home, Inc. - Denver Real Estate - 720-231-6373 - Denver, CO
Denver Real Estate - Selling One Home at a Time

Anthony, I agree, many agents could use a VA to alleviate their work load.

Aug 06, 2019 07:16 AM