If your room is to become the haven and restful place that you deserve then it needs to get a thorough cleaning. The only way to do this effectively is to have a cleaning your room checklist that provides a step by step procedure on how to do it. The best time to do it is usually in the spring when you can clean everything from your linens to your carpets and open the windows to let in fresh clean air. Nonetheless, you can do it at any time of the year if you feel the grime is too much.
Cleaning Your Room Checklist
When going through your cleaning your room checklist, you should make sure that you have all of the essential supplies to clean and to start by putting things away and picking up things from the ground.
Room Cleaning Checklist
The following are some essentials you will need to clean your room:
1. Boxes and bags for items that don’t belong in the room
2. Vacuum cleaner
3. Garbage bag
4. Lint brush
5. Microfiber cleaning cloths
6. Long-handled duster
7. Glass cleaner
8. Furniture polish
Room Cleaning Procedure
Give the Room a Makeover
Do the tidying up and cleaning that you normally perform on a daily basis but leave the bed unmade. Tasks may include:
- Picking up any clothing – folding or hanging up the clean and tossing the dirty in the hamper
- Put away all your hand lotions, jewelry, and other items on the nightstand
- Sweep the carpet and vacuum the floor
- Put away any DVDs, games, books, and magazines
- Straighten any blankets or pillows
- Vacuum and dry mop high traffic areas
Gather Any Items that Should Not Be in the Room
Pick up any trash on the dresser, nightstand under the bed, and on the floors and put it in the garbage bag to be disposed of. Get clothes, decorations or any other items you have no use for and put them in a bag/box and mark them for donation. Collect any items such as slippers or sofa pillows that do not belong in the room in a box.
Remove Linens, Curtains, and Drapes
Remove pillows and linens in preparations for laundering them. Remove the curtains which over time can gather a lot of dander, pet hair, dust and even mold spores that will impact air quality. That accumulation will settle on your carpet and furniture and spread dust and debris whenever they are opened. Check the cleaning instructions and take the pillows, linens, and curtains to the laundry room. If they are not machine washable, take them to the car to take them to the dry cleaners.
Get Dusting
Over time, the room will accumulate a lot of dust. The rule of thumb when cleaning to get rid of dust is to clean starting from left to right and top to bottom. This prevents dust from getting into surfaces you have cleaned.
- The Ceiling Fan – Get the long-handled duster and run it over the blades of the fan’s to get rid of the dust. Ensure you stop it first.
- Get your pictures off the wall and place them flat on the bed
- Dust the door, the corners, the ceiling, around the windows, the window molding and baseboards. This is a basic clean house tip for your entire home.
- Wipe the picture frames and wipe them using the dry microfiber cloth. Get some cleaner and using a microfiber cloth to clean the glass or plastic front of the picture frame before rehanging.
- Clean glass surfaces in the room including the inside of the windows
- Clean any pictures or decorations you had taken down
- Remove the lampshade and then get the glass cleaner and wipe down the light bulb. Get the lint brush and run it over the outside and inside of the lampshade.
- Remove the mattress cover and put it in the bag ready for laundering
Clean the Furniture
Since we love our tables to gleam, we usually use commercial sprays with silicone which leaves them gleaming and sleek. Unfortunately, that silicone will over time trap moisture and humidity leaving furniture sticky.
To get them clean you need:
- 1/2 cup warm distilled white vinegar
- 1-2 drops liquid dish detergent (ensure it does not contain oxygenated bleach additives or moisturizers)
- 1/2 cup warm water
1. Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle, swirl lightly and then spray on the wooden surfaces.
2. Get the soft lint cloth and rub the spray along the grain.
3. You will know the wood is clean when you can run your hand on the wood and feel the grain.
Clean the Mattress
Strip the mattress and launder the linens. Use the vacuum cleaner upholstery attachment to clean the sides and top of the mattress for any dust. To get rid of body smells from the mattress and leave it feeling fresh, sprinkle it with baking soda and let it sit for 15 minutes before vacuuming it again.
Vacuum the Floor
A basic household tip is to vacuum behind and beneath furniture to get rid of all the dust. Vacuum around the base of the walls and under the bed using the crevice attachment before finishing up with vacuuming the visible parts of the wall.
Take the Trash Out
Once you have dumped all your trash, clean the trash bin using a cup of white vinegar and 1 cup of hot water. Scrub it with a stiff brush, rinse it well and let it dry in the sun. Always line the trash can with a paper towel or plastic grocery bag to prevent rust. This is a good way to keep your house clean from top to bottom as well.
Clean the Linens
Once you have laundered the curtains and drapes hang them up. Launder your linens and pillows and return them to the bed when dry.
Let in the Air
Open the windows and let in the air. Close them before dusk if anyone in the home has allergies to reduce the risk of pollen getting into the house.
Wrapping Up
Cleaning your room is often a seasonal activity that you have to do to have that well-deserved rest. However, cleaning can be a complicated affair, which is why you need a cleaning your room checklist and follow clean house tips in general. With the checklist in this article, you have a systematic way of cleaning your room that will clean all the nooks and crannies, and leave the room a haven where you can enjoy a good night's sleep.