Have you noticed that it has already begun?
I walked into the craft store the other day, and there were already TWO new aisles of decked-out Christmas. I could almost smell the pine trees and crisp morning snow in the air.
I thought - It is just the beginning of August, for heaven's sake! My kids don't even start school again for another two weeks. Right now at home, we are riding the wave of the last vestiges of summer, with a sleeping-in teenage son, a bored 10 year old son, and a ready-to-school-shop teen daughter.
Christmas is way off their radar. But for me, I'm already reading gift guides from Pinterest, starting to make lists, and in general thinking about the upcoming holidays.
Maybe you are, too? Or perhaps you are the week-before shopper. Whatever works!
I just really like to be organized. And my quest for the last decade has been the holy grail of a relaxed winter holiday season, whereupon I am not running around Walmart for hours on end, panicked for gifts that I forgot about.
Plus, I just really like Christmas. I don't mind celebrating a little early! (Maybe not so early as August, but when September hits, I'll be prepping already). I love everything about it. And so does my family, so I like to make it as magical a time of year that I can.
I know that commercialism can choke the joy out of the season, but that's only if you let it! When I'm walking around seeing those Christmas holiday aisles in the stores, I just soak it in, and see it as the hint of a joy that is to come. When I hear carols over the loud speakers at the mall and see Santa sitting with kids in a line, I don't mind a bit. I just relish the joy of a holiday where I can celebrate my Lord, and all the feelings of a happy holiday that come with it.
I hope you do too! So, where are you on the spectrum? Already shopping? Or does it seems a lifetime away? Either way, enjoy the last bit of summer and I'll see you in fall.