Hi Everybody!
Odd, but I just looked in my "draft" (NO! -- NOT draft beer, even though I am retired) folder, and the first draft in the cue:
"Is Real Estate Blogging Like Riding a Bike?"
Well, let's see, I'd screen cap to show you I ain't lyin' . . . but I'm pulling the "retired' card!
YIKES. Have I become . . .Too retired to screen cap?
So soon ?!?!?!
The bike I want to get on, is really the soapbox . . . I'll ride the bike later.
The No Soliciting sign is hanging right there on the front of the garage, which corners the front entrance leading up the path to my front door. Included is a very nice, eye catching wind-twirly thing, with a flower, and two bees AND it's a nice colored, baked enamel. It's over a foot and one-half in length.
I went through a lot to make NO Soliciting seem nice, pleasant and cheerful.
All ignored.
Long story short, a person was leaving my driveway as I was walking back with the dogs (little Miss Molly is still here, over 16 now) and I said to him . . . "I'm sorry public school failed you and you can't read. Let me help you out, the posted sign says : NO SOLICITING.
And then I get, "Are you the owner?" and my reply: "Yes"
Then, he made an abrupt, really odd move. I'm not making this up, he turned around from the public sidewalk, and in a blink, he was halfway up my driveway, when my words of "HEY . . . you're trespassing" went bellowing from my pie hole.
At that time, I didn't know who he was, why he was making abrupt u-turns and going BACK on to my property, heading up the path to my front door, about 15 ft. away.
"You are not an invited guest. You're trespassing"
again, at the top of my lungs
I think I kinda plot spoiled with the title, but keep in mind . . . I didn't know who that person was at that moment when he was acting all weird. He left, so I continued to walk to my door and there it was, on the vertical slide in my front door jamb. His business card and guess what . . . he's a real estate agent!
He wanted to "circle-back" and GRAB his business card from my front door! So he trespasses to get his card . . . that he left on my front door . . . that has a NO SOLICITING sign very clearly posted.
But, good thing . . . I don't have a desk anymore. I'm retired!
Gosh, it's good to be here on AR. . . .vent, vent, vent. AND in the photo file there's the meme of Zombies and Solicitors, which means . . . I vented about it before! GOOD to be blogging. NEW AGENTS DO NOT BE THAT AGENT. Now for a bike ride.
Hope everyone is having a nice summer.
Retirement is fine. It suits me.