
The Feeling of Heading Back to School

Education & Training with My Three Readers

Are any of you out there heading back into a new school season? At our house, we have three kids. Two going into 10th grade and one headed into 4th. Each of my kids and I are feeling different emotions this year as we head back into routines and new schedules.

For me, I'm focused on heading back to school with my blog, because I focus on teaching reading to beginners and helping parents and teachers with encouragement and tools for reading. For example, I've just published a set of reading strategies for parents handout brochures, plus I've talked about back to school anxiety, and I'm working on some alphabet printables for the fall. 

But that's my bloggy-business side of things.

For my 10th grade daughter, it's a bit of nervousness and a little bit of a sadness to see a nice lazy summer go by. She's in a new school this year, which brings a bit of trepidation (particularly about where to sit at lunch). Oh, the stressful days of social warfare!

For my 10th grade son, he's laid back about it. He also is going into a new school, and although they are twins, they'll have to find each their own way. Also, he's headed into this new year with a vengeance, as he really is starting to focus on his classes (pre-med).

My youngest, going into 4th grade, is also going into a new school! We all have high hopes for this school, because it seems a good fit for him. BUT, he struggles with anxiety. He's actually kind of excited about the year, but I know from experience that everything could well or go very very not-so-well on that first day and week of school.

And how do I feel? Well, you know these days there's a little bit of mommy-shaming if you dare to admit that you look forward to schooltime again. (Unless you homeschool, that is). No, I don't dislike my children. I love them very much. But I'm an introvert. Being around people (ANY people) all day is a bit stressful for me. 

I like structure. So, I'm looking forward to going back to a schedule and routine! Plus, it means fall, holidays, and cooler weather. I like all these things. :)  So, how about you? Are you looking forward to school days again? Let me know in the comments!