Have Home Prices Bottomed Out Yet?
Have home prices bottomed out? This is a question I receive all the time from my clients. I have not been able to say for sure, but it now looks like it may be coming close. The link below is from a Yahoo message board regarding a market review from John Dessauer, editor of John Dessauer's Investor's World. It addresses investment indicators of market improvements for IndyMac. For those not into investment jargon, this paragraph from the thread summarizes the analysis in layman's terms.
"A New York based hedge fund manager recently made the case that the housing market is bottoming out right now. The key element in his analysis is affordability. He says the combination of rising incomes and falling house prices means that a home buyer needs just 19% of average monthly income to afford a house. That is the level that prevailed during the 1990s and early 2000s, well down from the 25% threshold in 2006. No one suggests a new housing boom is coming along. But it is looking more and more like the worst is over or nearly over for housing."
Click on the link below to view the message thread: