I am flying out from San Jose California Saturday afternoon headed to Alaska. I will be checking on our home around Homer Alaska and also viewing the devastation across the state.
There are approx 100 forest fires across Alaska and it is very hard to get around by car because there are only so many major roads of travel. My wife had to turn around several times when she was driving from Homer to Anchorage. Now she has a website she goes to that lets her know if the road is open. She took this photo (above) on her drive to Anchorage from Homer 2 days ago.
Here is another photo (below) of a smaller fire that broke out only 1 mile from our home. My wife almost had to evacuate because it was coming closer towards our home. The fire was contained after 3 days of airplanes and helicopters dropping water.
The fires in Alaska have destroyed over 2 million acres and continue to burn.
With all the fires across Alaska and around the world I am really wondering what's going on? I know it's part of global warming and my friend says the earth is just going through a cycle like she's been doing for millions of years, cleansing.
I know that earth and other planets go through cycles but take a look at this link of all the forest fires going on in Alaska as of August 30th 2019. You can zoom in on the state and zoom out, and I really don't believe all these firs were started by global warming or the earth going through a cycle. I think something else is going on!
Current Fires / Alaska Wild Fires
What do you think by looking at all the fires going on in Alaska and around the world?