The average Sale Price of MLS Residential Dwellings has increased every year from 1985 to 2006. This includes all types of residential homes including mobiles, condos, cottages covering Belleville, Trenton (Quinte West) Municipality of Prince Edward County, Tyendinaga, Stirling/Rawdon, Municipality of Centre Hastings, Municipality of Tweed, Marmora and Lake Township, Madoc Township, Brighton Township, Cramahe Township, Percy Township and Municipality of Campbellford/Seymour area. According to the Quinte & District Real Estate statistics the average MLS Residential Dwelling sold for $163002 in 2005 and $183018 in 2006.
In Belleville the Average Selling price in 2005 was $165976 and in 2006 $177465 for MLS Residential Dwellings. The Average Selling Price for the City of Trenton and the New Municipality of Quinte West was $151665 in 2005 and $169659 in 2006. MLS Residential Dwellings in Murray and Brighton Townships also rose in 2006 from $178125 in 2005 to $186544. The average listing price for Residential Listing properties in Belleville was $200956.00 for Feb/07 and the Average Selling price was $180469.37. The average listing price for Quinte West which includes Trenton was $202114.43 in Feb/07 and the average selling price was $170150.00.
The above information is just to give you an idea of our market which we consider to be strong at this time. If you have specific questions please let me know and I'll try to answer them for you.