
FACT: 10M Foreign Nationals/year purchase real estate. Capitalize Now!

Mortgage and Lending with Movement Bank NMLS 1683075

What is a foreign national mortgage loan?

Mortgage loans are available for foreign nationals to purchase US based real estate with certain lenders. There is a common misconception surrounding citizenship and real estate purchase eligibility so let's debunk those myths ASAP. When permanent US residency is not granted or available for your client- choose a mortgage broker that can help you close the deal. 



A Non-Permanent Resident Alien is a non-U.S. citizen authorized to live and work in the U.S. on a temporary basis. Non-Permanent Resident Alien borrowers are eligible for purchases of a Primary residence, second home or investment property.



Canadian citizens living in the US can utilize these programs simply by providing their valid passport as proof of their status so long as they're legally allowed to be here for employment purposes.


"A mortgage to a non resident is called a Foreign National Mortgage loan. A foreign national who is not a resident of the United States will in many cases seek to own real estate. Financing real estate is generally done by US mortgage companies and banks to United States citizens.

Lenders also offer loans to non citizens. They may be resident alienstemporary residents or other classifications of either temporary or permanent status." According to Wikipedia.



Quick Notes:

  •     Loan Amounts to $1.5MM
  •     Simple income qualification methods including DSCR (no income/tax returns just rental income), and Full Doc
  •     Purchase, Rate/Term, and Cash-Out
  •     Cash-Out to $500K 
  •     DTI’s to 50% 


My program guides and matrices are wide ranging for these programs so it's crucial to evaluate each scenario individually as they relate to occupancy, and residency status 

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 Creative mortgage financing options from coast to coast

The Easton Mortgage Team at Movement Bank


1235 West Morehead Street

Charlotte, NC, 28208


Mike Easton | Mortgage Broker

 self employed mortgage loans


Cell: (585) 749-8848
NMLS: 1683075

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