Market Reports can be extremely boring although so, so reavealing!
These charts represent all property types in Naples, FL for the past 2 years except Co-ops, boat slips and time-shares. I show them because consumers need to understand the seasonality of our market. It is a picture of the typical movement we can expect for any given year excluding natural and man-made upheavels.chart. Be informed, stay informed!
Useful for both Buyers & Sellers you'll be able to know when it's time to strike. We are in what I would say is a BALANCED MARKET where the activity may be less frisky however this does not warrant a nonchalant approach to purchasing. Great property remains as the #1 Competitor and you will need to react quickly if you want the chance to GRAB it. For a Seller's best result my suggestion is to have your home in perfect condition before the New Year and on the market January 5th, 2020. A well priced home will have offers within weeks rather than months by completing this easy task!
A lot more than Justa Pretty picture!
(Stay ahead of the Curve)
If you were to overlay these two charts you can plainly see the ebb & flow of our seasonal market. This isn't to say Inventory & Sales don't exist throughout the year only that .....
*Charts and data provided through Clarus Market Metrics and Terradatum @2019
*Music provided by YouTube and The Byrds