Prince William County Virginia Home Buyer Rebates, Home Buying Grants and Down Payment Assistance Programs 2019
Equity First Realty® understands that saving money for a down payment and closing costs is one of the most challenging aspects of the home buying process. Partnering with various banks allows us to offer a variety of cost assistance programs and open doors through our partner banks for first-time, second-time, and luxury home buyers. Through these programs, buyers can put money towards a down payment and closing costs and receive a cash back rebate at closing.
What’s currently offered through our bankers & Equity First Realty®?
• First Time Home Buyer - Up to $5,000 in grant funding is available for the down payment, closing costs, and principal reduction of first-time homebuyers. Funding is provided as a 4-to-1 match with the buyer contributing at least $1,000 toward the purchase. You can also can add on another cash incentive with our Equity First Realty Cashback Rebate Program.
• Luxury Home Buyer Program - New Premier VBMC Premier ARM is the perfect ARM loan option for homebuyers or homeowners who value Flexibility, Stability, and Mobility. Loan Size Eligibility up to $750,000! Up to 95% Financing with no PMI for Primary and Second Home Purchases. No Prepayment Penalties.
• VHDA’s Down Payment Assistance Grant - VHDA’s Down Payment Assistance (DPA) grant can provide eligible first-time homebuyers with funds needed for their down payment. The maximum grant will be 3 - 3.5% of the purchase price, based on the down payment required for the eligible VHDA loan. Up to 101.5% financing available for qualified buyers. So you can buy a house with no money down with this grant.
• Community Partners Home Buyer Program- For individuals employed as educators, law enforcement officers, health care workers, or firefighters.
Get up to $7,500 in grant funding is available for the down payment, closing costs, principal reduction, and/or rehabilitation costs of a home purchase. First-time homebuyers or non-first-time homebuyers are eligible. You can also can add on another cash incentive with our Equity First Realty Virginia Hometown Hero Program.
• Veteran and Military Home Buying Programs - $7,500 to $10,000 for veterans and service members. For veterans or active-duty members of any branch of the U.S. military, or their surviving spouses. $7,500 to $10,000 in grant funding is available for the down payment, closing costs, principal reduction, and/or rehabilitation costs of a home purchase. First-time homebuyers and non-first-time homebuyers are eligible. No matching funds are required from the homebuyer. For veterans or active-duty members of any branch of the U.S. military who are currently serving or have served in an overseas military intervention, or their surviving spouses. Up to $10,000 in grant funding is available for the down payment, closing costs, principal reduction, and/or rehabilitation costs of a home purchase. You can also get another cash incentive with our Equity First Realty Military Appreciation Program. Get a cashbake rebate along with this program.
• Foreclosure Home Buying Programs - Received up to $15,000 for homes purchased from the REO inventory of certain approved financial institutions. Up to $15,000 in grant funding is available for the down payment, closing costs, principal reduction, and/or rehabilitation costs of a home purchase. First-time homebuyers and non-first-time homebuyers are eligible. Funding is provided as a 4-to-1 match with the buyer contributing at least $1,000 toward the purchase.
Equity First Realty® offers a 1.5% Cashback Rebate at closing along with the grant programs offered by our vendors. Get a grant and a rebate when buying your next home with Equity First Realty®!
Get a cash back real estate rebate when buying your next home with Equity First Realty®. Receive thousands of dollars at closing with our award winning program! Here are some of our past clients who received their home buyer rebate with Equity First Realty's Home Buyer Cashback Rebate Program!
Want more money in your pocket for closing? How about being able to afford a bigger/nicer Virginia home? Well, you can with Equity First Realty®! Equity First Realty Now Gives YOU Cash Back Buyer Rebates at Closing!
Buyer rebates that give you cash back at closing?! If you have ever wondered how cash back rebates work for real estate, here is the inside scoop…
When real estate agents sell a property, they usually collect a commission between 2.5% and 3% of the property's gross sales price. So, on a $500,000 house, that would mean a commission of $15,000.00 to the selling broker. Out of that $15,000 commission, the buyer would receive $7,500 at closing (rebate check). Equity First Realty offers rebates up to 2% on new construction and 2% for pre-owned homes for sale in Virginia. In other words, we can give 2% of our 3% commission to you for new construction and 2% of our 3% commission for resale properties. Yes, we'll pay you to be our customer!
Many of today's home buyers are clearly willing and (with the Internet) able to search for and locate their own properties without relying on an agent to find houses for sale for them. For doing some of the work, Equity First Realty® thinks you are entitled to a portion of that commission. So, we're willing to give 1.5% of the sales price back to you, just for letting us help you purchase your next home.
Get a cash back real estate rebate when buying your home. If you are looking to buy a home in Virginia, then why not get a cash back home rebate? Just like retail product promotions for rebates where you get money back after you purchase a product, you too can get cash back on your home purchase! Equity First Realty® offers up to 2% of our real estate commission to buyers that use us as their representative in their real estate transactions. We are your premier Virginia Real Estate Rebate Broker!
The Internet has changed the way real estate is bought and sold. Today's consumers have information at their fingertips. That saves us time and money and we pass those savings along to you with a Home Buyer Real Estate Rebate. 1.5% of the commission we earn goes back to our clients. The typical Virginia real estate buyer gets back between $9,000 to $14,000. Sometimes Much More!
Most Realtors won’t offer to give you a real estate rebate and will keep the whole commission to themselves, but Equity First Realty® wants to PAY YOU for the work we know you have put into your own real estate search. The average Virginia commission can on average bring in a real estate commission of $21,000, and if you work with us, $10,500 of that can be cash in your pocket or even go towards your home purchase closing costs! Find out how you can take advantage of a home rebate today!
Contact me today if you're thinking about buying or building your next home, I look forward to servicing your needs. Real estate rebates are legal in the state of Virginia. Commission rebates are 100% permitted in Virginia and promoted by the U.S. Department of Justice: Click here for more U.S. Department of Justice information.
We are your premier Virginia Discount Real Estate Broker! *certain conditions apply
The Marcus Rice Team specializes in residential and commercial real estate in the whole state of Virginia. We are tech savvy realtors with over 20 year’s experience. Please join us on our social networking network to stay up to date on Virginia real estate news and more...
Marcus E. Rice Principal Broker & Owner, CDPE, VAR, RAR, FAAR, NAR, EFR, BBB
Equity First Realty® Broker Site:
Marcus Rice Team Site:
Military Appreciation Rebate Site:
Virginia Hometown Hero Rebate Site:
Grant sources: FHLB grant, VHDA grant, HUD Downpayment Assistance, fha downpayment and grants, prince william county virginia home buyer programs, VHDA Down Payment Assistance Grant