I don't know about you, but I LOVE this time of year! I live in Oklahoma, and it feels a bit more chilly than it usually does this early in fall. And nobody (including me!) seems to mind.
I have a blog for beginning readers, and I was making a batch of cute fall printable sight word activities, and it got me to thinking about all our family's fall-time traditions.
We have the state fair here, of course, but we don't do that every year. My husband doesn't really love the crowds, and it costs about an arm and a leg to take a family of five to go. But we do try every once in a while.
When my husband and I were younger in our marriage, we took a trip to the northeast, into Boston, Maine, and New Hampshire. Man, if I could move anywhere, it might be there. The fall views were stunning. But one of the things I REALLY loved were the fall festivals everywhere! The apple orchards were so beautiful, and the coutryside was just exquisite. Okay, so here we have Octoberfest, but to be truthful, it's kinda dingy and full of drunk folk. :)
But, it is very beautiful here in the fall. The leaves do turn, so we get the beauty here. And if we can possibly swing it, we'll go camping with family or friends some years. Just to be out of doors, and just to get in a little bit of nature. My older kids are teens now, though, so they don't exactly jump at that chance.
We celebrate Thanksgiving here in the states, and at our house that has become a big huge affair. We spend one block of days in Texas at my sister-in-law's ranch with their huge family, and then we head back to Oklahoma to spend the time with my parents and sister's family. So yes, we get two meals. :) Joy! And the two meals could not be more different, so it's just a full-on gorging fest. (Not so good for my waist, lol!)
There is always football, of course, which is a way of life around here. We love the Cowboys (and I love the Razorbacks for college football!), so every weekend is filled with the sounds of whistles, crowds, and sports announcers. I also have two boy who are into fall sports, so we are busy with their activites too.
And speaking of kids, back to school is a big deal at our house, too! The sight of my hard-working daughter at the table doing homework is a sure-fire sign that fall is upon us.
Here's my FAVORITE tradition that is easy to do and we do it every.single.day. My husband and I sit out on the back porch of our home with our fire pit smoking a lovely pinon wood fire. We may chat, or we may not, just enjoying the backyard view. Our golden retriever sits at our feet watching squirrels, and one by one, our kids come out to say hi and chat.
We look forward to this time every day - We do this in spring, too (and early summer), but in fall, it's just the best.
So - I'd love to know - what are your favorite fall traditions?