So today I was reading throught a few blogs and came across one titled "9 reasons why I hate people".
I don't understand it - it was a list of comments that people do out of nature, and every comment ended with slander. This person does this, so he's a #$%#. This person asked me this, he's a loser.
What is the point in treating others this way? Are you entitled? Are you holier than thou? I've burnt personal relationships before on many occasions due to racial comments. Always have, always will. Talking sh#t about someone because you think you are better is just as bad in my opinion. There's just no need for it.
Here's a thought - why don't you come up with nine reasons to appreciate other people. Here are mine:
- Everyone is an individual - what fun would it be if we weren't?
- Other people have helped me to succeed and be where I am today.
- I have learned from negative relationships, both professional and personal (that's a good thing).
- Some of my best friends are not the most intelligent - however, I am not the one to judge, and these people seem to be the most loyal. Sure wouldn't think of calling them losers.
- I have a great place to work - thanks to the people I work with.
- Good friends offer to help when you've had a bad day - nothing more to say about that.
- Other people make me laugh.
- Other people make you laugh.
- Other people motivate me to help people who are less fortunate.
Maybe I took the blog I read too seriously - besides, I did receive a rebuttal saying it was posted in the joke section.
Maybe it was intended to be a joke. Seemed a little too cynical to be one. Perhaps it is just not my kind of joke.
Guess I'm the dumba$$ for not noticing, huh?