One of the main things that holds couples back from moving…
...Is each other 😳
It’s hard to get on the same page… especially when the decision is life altering!
Sometimes, the reality is that one person wants to move, & the other doesn’t.
One spouse might see that there’s financial gain, more space, better location, and personal achievement in moving up to a larger home.
The other spouse sees the challenge of packing, moving, keeping the house tidy and inconvenient showings… or maybe just simply doesn’t see the need just yet.
Both are right🙄
I’m not marriage therapist, nor do I really know what your families deepest desires and needs are - but what I generally know is that if both parties aren’t on board, nothing changes.
I wouldn’t expect you to believe me if I said I simplify the process for you so much so that you probably would have moved 2 years ago.
But you know me enough by this point that I would treat the sale of your home as if it were the sale of my own, so when I tell you that if it is at all possible to move to a bigger and better really should get on that ASAP.
Not just for space and luxury, not even for location. But for the simple fact that while I may not know your family’s deepest desires and needs, I’d bet my last dollar that you do everything for your children.
By buying a bigger asset, you’re increasing your net worth.
In the long run, the bigger home will be more profitable. It will likely give you the ability to refinance and buy homes for your children (along with peace of mind!)
If you and your spouse are disagreeing about whether or not to move, remember, there’s never a convenient time - in fact it could be even more challenging down the road.
If you want to see how I simplify the process, visit ...It’s a great place to start 🙂