Today’s View – Oct. 20, 2019 – Ijamsville, Md. 21754 – Detached Homes
This is a market report for existing detached homes in Ijamsville, Md. 21754. At the time of this report (10/20/19) not including new construction there are 28 such homes on the market FOR SALE, another 9 that are under some form of contract, and 6 that have successfully completed the sales process in the last 30 days. The Absorption Rate (Active/30 day sold) is 4.67 which is considered a normal market.
While the minimum lot size is just .14 acres and the maximum lot size is 13.06 acres, the median is .98 acres.
Two Bedroom Homes
There is 1 two-bedroom existing detached home in Ijamsville currently on the market for sale. The current list price of this home is $564,990 and it has been on the market for approaching 2 weeks (11 days).
There are no two-bedrooms homes in Ijamsville currently under any form of contact and none that have successfully completed the sale process in the last 30 days,
Three Bedroom Homes
There are 4 three-bedroom existing detached homes in Ijamsville on the market for sale at the time of this report. These homes range in price from a low of $429,900 to $599,997 with the median being $451,950. The days on the market for these homes range from approaching 2 weeks (11 days) to 3 months (94 days) with the median being 2 weeks (16 days).
There is just 1 three-bedroom detached home in Ijamsville under some form of contract. The last known list price of this home is $599,000 after being on the market for 2 months (60 days).
In the last 30 days, 3 three-bedroom detached home in Ijamsville have successfully completed the sales process. The closing price of these homes ranged from $310,000 to $475,000, with the median being $388,000. The days on market for these homes ranged from new to the market (1 day) to 2 weeks (13 days), with the median approaching 2 weeks (12 days).
Four Bedroom Homes
There are another 12 four-bedroom existing detached homes in Ijamsville on the market for sale. These homes range in price from a low of $385,000 to $789,900 with the median being $579,950. The days on the market for these homes range from new to the market (2 days) to 3.5 months (108 days) with the median being 3 weeks (22 days).
There are 4 four-bedroom detached homes in Ijamsville that are currently under some form of contract. The last known list prices of these homes range from $539,990 to $1,090,000, with the median being $699,450. The days of market ranges from new to the market (1 days) to 4.5 months (138 days), with the median being 1 month (34 days).
In the last 30 days, 3 four-bedroom detached homes in Ijamsville has successfully completed the sales process. The closing price of these homes ranged from $463,000 to $595000, with the median being $525,000. The days on market for these homes ranged from 3 weeks (19 day) to 13 months (393 days), with the median approaching 4 months (110 days).
Five Bedroom Homes
There are 8 five-bedroom detached homes in Ijamsville currently on the market for sale. These homes range in price from a low of $410,000 to $954,000, with the median being $627,400. The days on market for these homes range from approaching 2 weeks (10 days) to 4 months (129 days) with the median being 1.5 months (42 days).
There are 3 five-bedroom detached homes in Ijamsville that are currently under some form of contract. The last known list prices of these homes range from $437,000 to $549,900, with the median being $499,900. The days of market ranges from new to the market (3 days) to 7 months (212 days), with the median being 3 weeks (22 days).
In the last 30 days, no five-bedroom detached home in Ijamsville has successfully completed the sales process.
Six Bedroom Homes
There are 2 six-bedroom existing detached homes in Ijamsville currently on the market for sale. The current list price of these homes being $379,000 after being on the market for1.5 months (42 days), and $950,000 after being on the market for approaching 6 months (172 days).
There is1 six-bedroom existing detached homes in Ijamsville under some form of contract. The last known list price of this this home is $749,900 after being on the market for 1 week (9 days).
There are no six-bedroom existing detached homes in Ijamsville that have successfully completed the sales process in the last 30 days.
If you have any questions about this report, please contact me. I look forward to helping you with your real estate needs. Similar posts can be found on my blog on homes in the surrounding area.