
Get $10,000+ in Real Estate Training for as Little as $97

Real Estate Agent with Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars and Founder of Rebus University

Looking for a great way to save on real estate training? With Rebus University’s All-Access Pass, you can get over $10,000 worth of real estate courses for as little as $97.

Also, from now until September 30th, the All-Access Lifetime Pass is on sale at $300 off. For a one-time payment of $1,197, the Lifetime Pass provides unlimited access to all current and future Rebus courses. As the name suggests, the Lifetime Pass is not a subscription; it does not expire.

Cheaper options are also available via two subscription plans: an annual subscription at $997 and a monthly subscription at $97. Both can be cancelled at any time, and rates will never increase.

Real Estate Courses Included in the All-Access Pass

All 12 of Rebus University’s five-star-rated real estate courses come included with the All-Access Pass. Future courses are automatically added to passholders’ accounts at no extra cost upon release. If you sign up today, you’ll have immediate access to all of the following courses:

Certified Listing Agent

Certified Buyer Agent

Certified Team Agent

Certified Inbound Lead Specialist

Certified Outbound Lead Specialist

Certified Inside Sales Agent Manager

Certified Price Reduction Course

Certified Real Estate Mogul

5 Alive

101 Free Ways to Create Real Estate Leads

Online Review Certification

Retuit Secrets: Recruiting & Retention

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Rebus University’s money-back guarantee protects all purchases, including those on the All-Access Pass. Users have 30 days from the date of purchase to request a full refund on any version of the All-Access Pass (Monthly, Annual, or Lifetime). If within the 30-day window, users requesting refunds will get all of their money back – no questions asked.

Click Here to Get Your All-Access Pass


Pat Hiban is the author of NYT best selling book “6 steps to 7 figures — A Real Estate Professional’s Guide to Building Wealth and Creating Your Destiny”, founder of Rebus University and the host of Pat Hiban Interviews Real Estate Rockstars an Agent to Agent Real Estate Radio Podcast with Hiban Digital in Baltimore, Maryland. Follow him on Facebook or Twitter.