Are you thinking about selling your home? Selling a home in Springfield, MO can be challenging, especially when it is a for sale by owner. Don’t get caught up by these common seller mistakes.
1. Incorrect Pricing: Price is determined by the market, price it accordingly the first time. If the price is too high, others will choose the comparable houses before yours. This may result in a price reduction and the loss of several potential buyers. On the other hand, if it is priced too low, your potential profit will fall. Working with a real estate agent with help you to determine the right price for your home.
2. Putting your home on the market before it’s ready: Get your home ready to sell by doing your pre-sale work first before listing it. Little things like painting, new carpet, declutter, etc. will help the home be more attractive to buyers.
3. Stretching out buyer negotiations: It is important to reply immediately to an offer. Don't wait around thinking about it. When a buyer makes an offer they are immediately in the mood to buy. Don’t lose the buyer on the sale just because you stall in replying.
4. Getting Too Emotional: When you decide to sell, you must accept that the home is no longer yours. You may have to do some cosmetic work or staging of your home for potential buyers. This may be difficult but don’t take it personal.
5. Selling without a professional: Surveys show that for sale by owners often net less from the sale than sellers who use real estate agents. Also, it may take longer to find the right buyer. Avoid these costly mistakes by letting us help you handle the sale of your home. We know the ins and outs of selling homes and can get you the right buyer for your home.