
My Time Has Gone to the Blogs!

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty

I was up past midnight the past two nights making comments on blogs, writing my own, searching for information on Active Rain.... And then I woke up late the past two mornings and wondered: where on earth is my time going?  It's gone to the blogs!

I started thinking about when I first started in real estate back in 1983.  There were no computers used in real estate back then. No blackberries either. Heck, we had to cart around big thick books full of listings and mark them up when sold.  If we wanted the newest ones, we had to physically drive down the the local mls office and look at the sheets on the counter.  I did this twice a day. No one had a cell phone.  In fact, when I got my car phone (yes, it was hooked onto the car and couldn't be carted around, and it was HUGE), I only knew a handful of other realtors who had one.  People actually asked me: "do you really need that?"  Like it was some weirdo object from outer space.  Yes, I needed that.... I made tons of sales because I could call my buyers right away when I saw a new listing. In those days, homes sold really fast.

Oh... we previewed property in those days too.  So I'm wondering, does blogging and blackberries, instant messaging, and all the other fun & new technological items of interest really save us time, or does it take up more of our time?  It will be interesting to see as I blog more and more. Right now, I'm thinking that I had more free time back in the 80s even though I drove to the mls twice a day and previewed property for all of my buyers.  Oh... and lockboxes were only for vacant houses back then.  We had to meet the other agent and their buyers at our listings for showings, and in rare cases, pick up the keys from the listing office and drop them off.  And cold calling was easy because we didn't have to check each number against a directory.

I'm starting to like this blogging business, but I'm not sold on the idea that technology saves us time.  I don't think it helps our relationships with people either. There's something weird about my husband and I being in the same room, but rather than talking to each other, we are blogging on our computers!  Guess it's comparable to an evening in the 80s where we are sitting in the same room reading our books. Nothing wrong with that, so why do I think typing on the computer is odd?  Perhaps it's just new and I'm slow to accept change. Any comments?

Karen Hurst
Rhode Island Waterfront!

Cathleen, I can so relate!!! I did a post about this two years ago! Called where are all the Rainer Widows? At least your husband is on a computer in the same room  and you can IM him:)!!!

I don't think it saves us time. I think it is time consuming. I have seen many great writers here in the Rain actually announce that they are leaving because they have spent too much time here.

I personally have had to limit it to a time period in order to still have a life! There is a fine line between blogging for business and blogging for enjoyment and then you have to ask yourself, are you a paid blogger? Or a stager, re professional, mortgage broker...who blogs?

Jun 11, 2008 03:16 AM
Sharon Young
Ivy League Mortgage Philadelphia, Pa - Southampton, PA

Cathleen ... I remember those days! Sheesh .... those phones ... we called them "bag phones" because they were as big as a suitcase. And you are right... it seems that even with all the time saving technology, we still have less time. I really don't know how that happens. This is actually a thought provoking post. Maybe I should be doing something else RIGHT NOW instead of commenting on your blog. ;-)   hhmmm   Thanks for the post

Jun 11, 2008 03:16 AM
Audrey June-Forshey
RE/MAX Realty Services - Darnestown, MD
GRI, Gaithersburg, MD

I hear you.  I have to set a time limit on blogging.  It does consume so much by the time you read, post and comment.  It is quite addicting. 

Jun 11, 2008 03:20 AM
Jim & Maria Hart
Brand Name Real Estate - Charleston, SC
Charleston, SC Real Estate

Hey, Cathleen. I too, feel that my time is taken up mostly by devices that are "suppose" to save me time. The more that is offered to us the less time we have. I hope that you have a great week, Jim

Jun 11, 2008 03:43 AM
Lisa Southern
Lisa Southern Real Estate - Raleigh, NC
Lisa Southern Real Estate

I guess I'm not as old as you, hahahahah, I don't remember bag phones. I think I saw something like that in a movie once!!!

I'll be reading you,


Jun 11, 2008 03:47 AM
Tracy Santrock
Santrock Realty Group Inc. , - Cary, NC
Raleigh - Cary Broker

Keep up the good work! Add pictures, back links, and fantastic tag lines and you're good to go!

And, in honor of your post:

1st shift:  Work

2nd shift: Family

3rd shift: Blogging

Aren't we lucky?

Your Triangle NC Real Estate Expert



Jun 11, 2008 12:10 PM
Richard Schardt
Keller Williams Realty - Kernersville, NC
Triad NC Real Estate

Hi Cathleen,

Your post is most thought provoking, even if it did remind me of how old I am! While I wasn't in RE back in those dark ages, I was in business that was conducted in the same ways that you remembering. I do remember how the fax machine revolutionized my business, and yes, I had one of those installed car phones. I can say one thing in defense of always being on a computer these days, including evenings at home. I think it is an improvement, and more productive, than just sitting in front of the TV all evening. Not that I am confessing previous bad habits or anything.

Jun 11, 2008 01:02 PM
BethAnn Long
RE/MAX Inland Empire - Spokane, WA
Realtor, CRS, e-PRO, CLHMS Spokane Wa Real Estate


I wrote a blog the other day called " Am I wasting mt time blogging?" and it was feartured in the blogging and seo group. I need to learn how to back link to it. (duh?)

Anyway, I HEAR YOU! There is something enjoyable about this, but is it the best use of our time?

Time will tell! We are putting ourselves out there where the public IS. The internet.

Best wishes!


PS My maiden name is O'Neill, another good Irish name!

Jun 11, 2008 03:03 PM
Cathleen OnullHannigan
Keller Williams Realty - Cary, NC
Cary NC Homes Pro

Karen, glad  to hear that I'm not crazy... blogging zaps my time!

Sharon - don't remember bag phones, but I can picture people walking up and down the streets with these huge black bags and cords hanging out attached to the receiver and they are all ringing and people are fishing throught their bags for phones.

Audreay- thanks for the comment!

Jim - have  great week yourself!

Lisa = for what it's worth, I started real estate fresh out of college, but yeah.... guess that makes me old.

Tracy - love your signature!

Richard - yep, blogging beats tv.  Commercials are nice and quiet.

Beth - yes, the public is on the internet, but they are on text messaging too.  I'm really NOT going there.  By the way, how can I prevent my kids from going there?


Jun 11, 2008 03:44 PM
Brigette Russell

You had more time in the 80s because you didn't have KIDS!  No family to cook and keep house for, no meals to plan.  You could grab dinner at a restaurant at 10 p.m. if you'd been working all day.  Technology does suck up a lot of our time, but not as much as our kids do.  Not that they aren't worth every exhausting moment, of course.

Jun 12, 2008 02:54 AM

Brigette, thanks for commenting.  True, kids do take up a lot of time. These days I can't imagine lounging on a raft in my pool with a margarita, making cold calls!  There would be too much sibling fighting surrounding me.

Jun 12, 2008 05:28 AM
Kevin McGourty
Realty ONE Group - Phoenix, AZ

Good point. I think part of the problem is our society is driven by Time.

Jun 12, 2008 06:00 AM
Lori Franks
Real Estate Consultant - Brookings, OR
Brookings, Oregon

Cathleen....ahhh the good ol' days! I wasn't in RE back then but I do remember all of the things you mentioned. I think technology makes things SOOOOO much easier but it can also be a major time sucker...but really it's not technologies fault...It's the addict behind the computer!! LOL! I keep saying if I could only come up with a patch or some kind of gum I would make $$$$$!

Jun 12, 2008 06:27 AM
Teresa Molyneux
Re/Max of Grand Rapids, Inc. - Coopersville, MI

Cathleen,   I'm very new to this too, but you have a better grasp of it than I do.  It's pretty interesting this blogging. As for the technology.  It's getting harder for me to keep up with it.  From all the websites to put  listings on to whether I need a cell phone that has web capabilities to check my e-mail anytime any place.  But it appears we have to change with the times and this blogging thing just might be something that will be helpful to  get information from other realtors about the technology that's out there.

Jun 19, 2008 02:09 AM