I was up past midnight the past two nights making comments on blogs, writing my own, searching for information on Active Rain.... And then I woke up late the past two mornings and wondered: where on earth is my time going? It's gone to the blogs!
I started thinking about when I first started in real estate back in 1983. There were no computers used in real estate back then. No blackberries either. Heck, we had to cart around big thick books full of listings and mark them up when sold. If we wanted the newest ones, we had to physically drive down the the local mls office and look at the sheets on the counter. I did this twice a day. No one had a cell phone. In fact, when I got my car phone (yes, it was hooked onto the car and couldn't be carted around, and it was HUGE), I only knew a handful of other realtors who had one. People actually asked me: "do you really need that?" Like it was some weirdo object from outer space. Yes, I needed that.... I made tons of sales because I could call my buyers right away when I saw a new listing. In those days, homes sold really fast.
Oh... we previewed property in those days too. So I'm wondering, does blogging and blackberries, instant messaging, and all the other fun & new technological items of interest really save us time, or does it take up more of our time? It will be interesting to see as I blog more and more. Right now, I'm thinking that I had more free time back in the 80s even though I drove to the mls twice a day and previewed property for all of my buyers. Oh... and lockboxes were only for vacant houses back then. We had to meet the other agent and their buyers at our listings for showings, and in rare cases, pick up the keys from the listing office and drop them off. And cold calling was easy because we didn't have to check each number against a directory.
I'm starting to like this blogging business, but I'm not sold on the idea that technology saves us time. I don't think it helps our relationships with people either. There's something weird about my husband and I being in the same room, but rather than talking to each other, we are blogging on our computers! Guess it's comparable to an evening in the 80s where we are sitting in the same room reading our books. Nothing wrong with that, so why do I think typing on the computer is odd? Perhaps it's just new and I'm slow to accept change. Any comments?