It's exciting to move into a new house or apartment, but it can also be an exhausting process. When you are faced with a new space cluttered with boxes and furniture that needs to be unpacked, sometimes the simplest little things can make your day better. Here are a few quick tips to make moving day easier.
1. Make sure you have the bathroom essentials.
Throughout the unpacking process, you will want to wash your hands because boxes have a way of collecting a lot of dust and grime during their time in trucks, vans, or storage spaces. Stocking your bathroom with soap as well as toilet paper is the first step of unpacking. You don't necessarily have to unpack the entire bathroom first (towels, shower curtains, and extra lotions will wait patiently in their boxes), but make sure you'll be able to use the bathroom's basic facilities before you get down to the business of unpacking.
2. Avoid the "Where are my keys?" issue.
Speaking of the bathroom, place your keys and wallet in the bathtub. It sounds strange, but the unpacking ordeal has a way of taking over all space. This process also has you on the go, moving from room to room, and you're likely to forget where you put something down over the course of the day. Don't let that something be your keys, wallet, or purse. Instead, place those essentials in the middle of your bathtub and you'll always know right where to find them.
3. Pizza might be the best dinner option.
Knowing your keys and wallet are in the bathtub can definitely come in handy if you need to run out to pick up something for dinner. And if you need to quickly pay for a pizza that's just been delivered, you don't want to be running around looking for your wallet. Pizza sounds good after a hard day of moving work, doesn't it? Don't plan on cooking on move-in day, even if you unpack the kitchen first. It's certainly easier to have a quick meal that you can eat while standing around (after washing your hands, of course) that doesn't require utensils or plates. And you'll be recycling a lot of cardboard boxes later on anyway, so why not add one more to the mix?
4. Pack a bag of essentials that you carry into the new place with you.
Think of this as your "carry-on" bag, although in this case it's more of a "carry-in." Pack a duffel bag with the essentials that you will need on your first day, like ice cube trays, a water pitcher, cups, napkins or paper towels, a broom and dustpan, sheets, and a pillow. Then, no matter how much (or how little) progress you make in your unpacking, you will still be able to deal with a few of life's essentials.
Moving to a new place can be an exciting adventure. You get to throw out old junk, reorganize things, come across items that inspire nostalgia, and discover a new neighbourhood's grocery store, post office, bank, and so forth. Keep these simple moving-day tips in mind to ensure your unpacking process causes you as few headaches as possible.