I "met" Philip Raices on ActiveRain today when I read his post about the plight of homeless veterans.
The magnitude of the homeless and hungry in our country is stunning. Groups here in San Francisco, and elsewhere, are working to find solutions, but it's slow going.
Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of the problem, we can each find our own small ways to help. A few little things I focus on include:
- serving breakfast to the homeless and hungry twice a month. Glide is one of the big groups; 3 meals a day are served 364 days a year. Breakfast is served to over 600 people daily. (Photo: breakfast crew at Glide, ready to serve diners.)
- being a sponsor and participating in Miracle Messages, distributing care packages and trying to connect folks on the street with loved ones.
- Working with and supporting Compass Family Services, especially through their Adopt-a-Family program.
It's hard not to feel overwhelmed, but we should never give up..