
UWM plays the big game!

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United Wholesale Mortgage (UWM) has made it to the Super Bowl! And they’re bringing their A-team with them: Mortgage Brokers! Their new Super Bowl ad focuses on challenging Quicken Loans and their “Rocket Mortgage” business model. 

Quicken received a lot of negative feedback four years ago, after the release of their Super Bowl ads with the tag: “Push Button, Receive Mortgage”. Potential clients were confused, they didn’t receive any guidance and the whole process seemed fishy.

Years later, Quicken took a different approach, hiring actors to make them appear more human and in contact with people’s doubt. The company has spent millions of dollars on these 30 second campaigns, giving them a big boost against the competition.

Along comes UWM with a new vision: Helping borrowers reach a real local mortgage broker. The ad mocks the whole “rocket” concept, letting people know that rockets are for children, and showing the viewers that brokers make the whole mortgage process easier.

Sure, getting a mortgage with a click sounds easy enough for some people. But the truth is that getting help with all the loose ends is a nightmare, the automated process makes getting a good rate difficult, random, and it's never guaranteed. Plus, having a local professional and not a call center agent makes a big difference! 

That’s why you should always consult a broker, a professional who knows the ropes. Someone that can and will guide you personally, making you feel sure and secure before taking any big decisions. Go to to see the site powered by UWM, and type in your dress for a local broker near you.

PS Mortgage Lending was rated as one of the best lenders in the Miami area. You will also find PS Mortgage Lending at the top of the list in searches in Miami that are 10 or 25 miles from the office address near Dadeland. If you or a loved one is in need of a mortgage, or if you simply need information, we’re the one’s for you. 

Reach out, we’re here to help you! 

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Phil Stevenson

PS Financial Services

Owner and Principal Mortgage Originator

Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional (CRMP)

LO #365768

NMLS #968090

Cell: 888.845.6630

Miami Mortgages & Florida Mortgages

Copyright © 2013 by Phil Stevenson & PS Financial Services, LLC