
New Property Managers...KNOW Who to Call

Property Manager with Gibson Management Group, Ltd.

Frequently, there are posts on Fb asking for recommendations for LICENSED and INSURED workPERSONS to perform X tasks...Electricians to hang ceiling fan, Licensed plumbers to unclog a sink....This is MONEY wasted and knowing who to call is crucial when dealing with someone else's money.


Licensed, to many,, means that they have a license to do business in a city, state or county meaning they are licensed and pay taxes on their income to that city, state or county each year based on a % of their earnings.  


Otherwise, LICENSED, means they are licensed by the regulatory agency that governs contractors at various levels depending on their expertise as evidenced by examinations and work experience....this is what LICENSED should mean.


My painter hangs my ceiling fans for my clients' rental properties...I buy from Lowe's, bring to job/house and he installs.  Most "handypersons" can do this also...hanging a ceiling fan does not require a licensed electrician...most, in my area, will say that they don't do as it is something that is BELOW their expertise.


Likewise, you can have a handyperson snake a clogged toilet or replace a fluid master in a toilet; however, if it comes to replacing hot water heater - especially if they are gas/propane - a specially licensed plumber may be needed.


Wallace S. Gibson is a Certified Property Manager with over 50 years of property management experience and expertise.  She maintains a specialized property management business in Central Virginia serving Albemarle, Greene, Fluvanna and Louisa counties  

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Wallace S. Gibson is a Certified Property Manager with over 50 years of property management experience and expertise.  She maintains a specialized property management business in Central Virginia serving Albemarle, Greene, Fluvanna and Louisa counties  


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" be a Virginian, either by Birth, Marriage, Adoption, or even on one's Mother's side, is an Introduction to any State in the Union, a Passport to any Foreign Country, and a Benediction from the Almighty God...." Anonymous



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Will Hamm
Hamm Homes - Aurora, CO
"Where There's a Will, There's a Way!"

Happy Monday Wallace, I know the company I would hire in your area,  You.  Are you ready for Nascar?


Feb 10, 2020 07:55 AM
Wallace S. Gibson, CPM
Gibson Management Group, Ltd. - Charlottesville, VA

Yes I am....Boogity, Boogity, Boogity...been wearing NASCAR gear for 2 weeks...I am so ready!

Feb 10, 2020 08:39 AM
KM Realty Group LLC
KM Realty Group LLC - Chicago, IL
Your path to success in Chicago real estate!

Great tips for new property managers! Knowing the right contacts can make all the difference. Thanks for sharing!

Jan 24, 2025 10:22 PM