When a client writes a recommendation for your business, it is both personally and professionally rewarding. The seller had moved out of state when he contacted me, so we met over Thanksgiving weekend. He needed to make repairs that he wasn't thrilled with having to make, but it made the difference between sitting on the market stagnant, or receiving multiple offers. He did everything I asked of him.
Here's what my client said:
Pat was the second agent I worked with after attempting to sell my property for six months with another agent came to frustrating results.
To summarize, Pat sold the property in less than two months and I couldn't be happier to have selected her!
Here is what you can expect from Pat:
• Proactive, go-getter
o Within first two weeks of signing with her, she staged the property, took professional photos, and marketed the property via multiple venues. Within the first two weeks, I had my first offer.
•Extremely responsive
o Pat either answered my calls/texts right away or told me she will get right back to me, and she never failed to do so.
• Great advisor for first time seller
o As a first-time seller who had already vacated the property, I was not sure how the process worked, what to expect, nor what was “BS” or not. Pat would advise if she believed if an offer was fair or not, if the proposed cost for any repairs could be found cheaper (which she often did by getting multiple quotes), and really walked with me throughout the process.
• Will not shy away from telling you what you need to hear to sell your property
o As someone who was eager to sell my property, but did not want to sink any further money to sell it, she had a “come to Jesus” session with me and advised that the property will sell as long as we completed certain items to make it more attractive. Needless to say, I heeded her advice and was rewarded with great result!
Pat, THANK YOU for all you have done for me!
I'm beaming from ear to ear after receiving this review. We are expected to do a good job, and we should all strive to do our best. This recommendation makes me proud and happy to do what I do.
We closed on a sunny Mississippi day and the flower bed at the entrance was blooming with daffodils. This is the photo I shared on Instagram and Facebook and I wanted to share with you, too. I love how the sun is peeking through the magnolia tree.
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Here is the link to my business page.