2020 has started out quite interesting. I'm working on recovering from a dismal 4th quarter and trying to focus on the things in my business that will give me the best return on investment.
For me, this means getting rid of my dependence on Pinterest as my main source of blog traffic and focusing more on SEO. It also means working like crazy to monetize my YouTube channel.
To achieve my SEO goals I took the leap and purchased a highly recommended SEO course. It was quite pricy but the results that I will get from it will far outweigh the cost of the course. What I am learning from the course led me to my latest two blog posts:
6 Debt Free Journey Mistakes You Should Avoid
Money Affirmations - Positive Affirmations to Attract Wealth
Both posts have corresponding videos on my YouTube channel which helps to get enough views and subscribers to monetize. YouTube requires 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of watch time before you can monetize. I currently have 561 subscribers which puts me at the halfway mark.
I've started putting out 2 videos a week and I'm developing content in a series format. January's theme was Productivity where I focused on increasing motivation, how to be more productive and tools you can use to help you be productive.
February is Debt Free Journey month. I've completed a series of 6 videos that detail methodologies you can use to pay off debt, whether you should start an emergency fund or pay off debt first, mistakes to avoid when paying off debt, side hustles you can do to help you pay off debt faster, changing your money mindset and positive money affirmations.
Both of these series are pretty awesome and I have to say using the productivity tips from January really helped me crank out the content in February.
If you are interested in health, wellness, and finance topics, take a moment and subscribe to my channel. I'd love to get your feedback and topic suggestions.
Although not always the most fun, I'm learning that I need to focus on what matters for my business. I often get caught up in what's fun or interesting to me.
Time is a very precious but limited commodity. Be sure that you are using it wisely.