
What have you done for "you" lately?

Real Estate Agent with Pine Knoll Shores Realty 252-422-9000 NC 166249

Do you feel guilty when you just do NOTHING?  You shouldn't.  You run around, taking care of your business, your customers and clients, your staff, your family and your friends.  STOP!  Take a few minutes occasionally to just BE.  Breathe, meditate, walk, exercise and do things that involve nobody but you. 


It's critical that we each have routines that make the most of our time, if we have goals and dreams.  If you don't have goals and dreams, nevermind, you can stop reading now.  Some of those goals should involve taking care of yourself.  We all know that we can do a much better job at work and taking care of others if we are at our best.


I dare you to take a few minutes every single morning to count your blessings and remember events and little things that make you smile.  I dare you to say "NO" (in a nice way) to things that you really don't want to do.  I dare you to work on becoming your very best you.  I dare you to give yourself permission to be selfish for a few minutes every day.  


This is me, working out and trying to be a stonger, healthier ME.




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Lottie Kendall
Compass - San Francisco, CA
Helping make your real estate dreams a reality

Hi Marian - nice to see you back here. If we don't take care of ourselves, we can't be of use to anyone else, that's the truth. 

Mar 04, 2020 08:50 AM