Let's face it, the federal governments response since January has been inept and has put many more Americans at risk. It wasn't a hoax and it wasn't political. I still can't get tested in Florida, and we are finally approaching a total number of test in the US that equals what South Korea test in a day, 18,000. What this means is in the next month their will be a dramatic rise in the number of cases and the number of deaths so let's get ready for the second panic that clears the shelves. So what do we do? I can tell you my rant is over and despite human nature we cannot seal ourselves off completely so going to the bunker is not going to work.
However there is no Pollyanna in me that says everything is beautiful and there are no worries is the other side of stupid. I saw this morning a spring breaker saying that he isn't going to change his lifestyle and if he gets the virus while partying in Florida that's OK. You can't fix stupid. So what does hunkering mean and how can I still run a successful business? I am staying in except to walk the very wide beach by the ocean every day and I plan to stay at our Florida home for as long as needed. We have food and other supplies being delivered as often as possible, and of course all the other precautions are being taken. I do recommend taking a lot of zinc since that is anti-viral.
Now on to the business side. I can't speak for every aspect of real estate but mine is mostly west coast real estate investors and a lot of them are tech people. A few of them are panicking but this is also a time of opportunity so many keep going. That being said I stopped visits back in February because unlike some I took this seriously and didn't want anyone to be at risk just for the sake of a commission. I have for a while done online Zoom meetings and I am adding everything that makes real estate remote control. I use Zeemaps.com to create detail about locations, schools, and amenities. I have increased drone photography including overall professional videos of point of interest. I have coordinated a program with my property manager for responsible leasing and we are both doing a lot of messaging to our existing clients and prospects. Business can be done in a responsible way that acknowledges the reality of our current crisis with opportunities that recognize that at some point this to shall pass.
A lot of changes are coming that we alter the way we work permanently. Just remember one thing, this will happen again and it is the new normal. Let's all do our best to stay safe, keep our clients safe, but still find ways to help people achieve their dreams. In some cases we should defer their dreams if it is in their best interest and for others it is business not as usual but some things will remain the same.