
7 Reasons Why Breastfeeding Is Awesome

Education & Training with Three Kids, Three Cats, and a Husband

Breastfeeding is magical, beautiful and oh so incredibly hard. It’s an intense journey for you and your baby but there are a lot of amazing reasons to start, stick with it and love it!

It’s always difficult, especially in the beginning. (If you had a really easy time- I’m so thrilled for you! That’s lucky :))

If you are able to breastfeed, count your blessings and do it! There will be times where you question why you’re doing it but that’s why I wrote this post.

Here are my top 5 reasons to breastfeed:


Your Breastmilk Passes Antibodies To Your Baby 

What this means is that you are passing passive immunity to your baby while they are tiny. Antibodies are special protiens that protect us from bacteria and viruses so this is actually quite amazing!

This means that if mom has had an illness (like chickenpox) her antibodies will be passed to her baby through breastfeeding.

So every time I feel like quitting I remind myself of this and how important it is.


It’s Convenient and Portable

With breastfeeding you never have to worry about getting the mixture right, heating it up to the right temperature or having a bottle. 

It’s made on demand at the perfect temperature for your baby! And you can breastfeed anywhere- no microwave required.


RELATED: New Mom Breastfeeding Essentials


Breastfeeding Saves You Money

It actually saves you an INCREDIBLE amount of money. The average cost is anywhere from $68-$243 per month! That’s significant. 


It’s Good For The Environment

There is no packaging, no transportation, no pollution when you breastfeed! The milk comes directly from you to your baby. And it’s organic ;)


It’s More Digestible 

Cow’s milk has twice the protein as breastmilk and there have been studies done showing that breastfed babies have less issues with digestion and diarrhea.


You’ll Never Regret It

Even if the journey is difficult at times it’s also very rewarding. It’s not something you’ll look back on and regret. Breastfeeding is something you’ll look back on and be so happy you did it!


Breastfeeding Burns Calories

Losing weight while breastfeeding isn’t a guarantee but it does burn anywhere from 200-500 calories per day! That’s helpful in your weightloss journey postpartum. You still need to eat healthy foods and exercise though- I really thought that the weight would just ‘melt off’ with breastfeeding but that wasn’t the case.


In The End- FED Is BEST

It’s nice to talk about the benefits and miracle of breastfeeding- but sometimes you just can’t. I’d never want a mother to feel bad or like a failure if formula is your only option. 

Some moms have serious trouble with milk production, inverted nipples, recurring mastitis or thrush and they just might not be able to breastfeed. 

If your baby is getting held, cuddled and FED- you’re doing a GREAT JOB!!! 


Laura Filip
Laura Filip Broker , Opening doors for All Seasons of Life - Whitesboro, TX
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Thank you for sharing the information on breastfeeding. Thankful for the time that was given to me to allow breastfeeding with my children. My daughter in law has been able to breastfeed all three children. Thankful for this as  well 

Each person is different and should do what is best for them. Have a great day. 

Apr 07, 2020 08:58 AM
Jen Blaske

Thank you so much Laura! I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to breastfeed all 3 of mine as well :) Love and light

Apr 15, 2020 08:31 AM