I am still open for business as real estate is an essential business to the state of CT. However, there are changes in place that effect both the home buyer and the sellers.
-Buyers can only look at homes currently if they are in a position to place a qualified offer soon,not six-eight months from now.
-I can only show the home to the principal buyers. Please leave any childern at your current home, with family members, etc or in the car. They can hang outside. They are not allowed in the homes.
-All public open houses & brokers tours have been suspended. All real estate agents are also not permitted to physically go to closing as well.
-If you as a buyer are not feeling well, do not go house hunting. As a seller, if you are not feeling well, hold off on listing your property for sale.
-We will continue to use electronic programs to when possible. New construction at Rivington viewings are currently being completed virtually or through qualified appointment only. Some sellers are requiring health forms signed in advancd of a confirmation to show. Sometimes live streaming or videos are available.
-For in person showings, please bring gloves and hand sanitizer. Some sellers have also requested buyers where booties. We will practice social distancing in the home. Inspectors, attorneys and mortgage brokers are still working but under different ways than before. When negoiating any repairs, we have been advised to have clients ask or provide $, not have the physical work done unless it is light outdoor repairs.
-Currently, my corporate leadership team is only permitting the listing agent to take the photos of the home-not a professional photographer. I do take good photos, and if your property is still available after the ban is lifted, we can make arrangements.
-We can do zoom pre-listing appointments and buyer consulting sessions. I am not afraid to leave my home office to meet with you in person. My physical office is only open very limited hours.
Please stay safe, we all in it in togehter.
-Jonathan Hall with William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty
203-417-0523 or send me an email
Post late updated 4/9/2020
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George Souto NMLS #65149 - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert
Jonathan the Covid-19 Virus has caused many changes to the way we do things in our business. We have been keeping up with the many changes, and good to see you are as well.
Apr 09, 2020 02:07 PM